
How to know how many bars overall the SMA 200 was above the price from our current bar?

How to know how many bars overall the SMA 200 was above the price from our current bar? Very simple but yet so complicated.., i just want to know the way to know how many bars in total the SMA 200 was above the price from the current open bar... please help, thank you for your time

How to make a Comment that says how much Lots should i use in order to use only 1 USD?

How to make a Comment that says how much Lots should i use in order to use only 1 USD? i want to create an automatic Comment text that will tell me how much Lots should i trade with if i want to risk only 1 USD per 1 Pip, in each pair it is calculated differently i want it to be able to calculate it

Refresh the chart (Switch TF like..)/Re-Init the indicator - inside MT4's StrategyTester, is is possible?!

Hii, so as the topic says.., i have a question, here is the thing: i have some indicators that will show different results when i leave them on the chart for a while, but when i'll switch the TimeFrame to lets say H1 and back to M30, the indicators will show different results then when i left them

Need a simple coding help - Get File Name + String to Integer....!

Hii guys it would be awesome if you can help me out here, i need to get the EA file name and remove the strings from its name and have the final result in only numbers, EXAMPLE: EA name is "JOHNCORE 112.32231" we need to get the name of the EA file from with-in the code somehow, then from the file