Welcome to the new section!


Inspired by comments and reviews received from MQL5.community members, we have added a new forum section called "Trading stocks, futures, options and other exchange instruments". Share your ideas and trading experience with the website visitors. Reach out to MetaTrader 5 developers if you have questions about the platform technology and services for trading on regulated markets.

We hope you will enjoy the discussions and help to create more ideas for successful trading!
MetaTrader 5 in Stock Markets!
MetaTrader 5 in Stock Markets!
  • www.metatrader5.com
Gateways MetaTrader 5 trading platform for stock markets can get market quotes and stock market news, risk and margin calculation.
good one. thnx.
MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Inspired by comments and reviews received from MQL5.community members, we have added a new forum section called "Trading stocks, futures, options and other exchange instruments". Share your ideas and trading experience with the website visitors. Reach out to MetaTrader 5 developers if you have questions about the platform technology and services for trading on regulated markets.

We hope you will enjoy the discussions and help to create more ideas for successful trading!
MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Inspired by comments and reviews received from MQL5.community members, we have added a new forum section called "Trading stocks, futures, options and other exchange instruments". Share your ideas and trading experience with the website visitors. Reach out to MetaTrader 5 developers if you have questions about the platform technology and services for trading on regulated markets.

We hope you will enjoy the discussions and help to create more ideas for successful trading!
Really great. 
nice to hear. great.
good ideas
MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Terinspirasi oleh komentar dan ulasan yang diterima dari anggota MQL5.community, kami telah menambahkan bagian forum baru yang disebut "Perdagangan saham, berjangka, opsi dan instrumen pertukaran lainnya". Berbagi ide dan pengalaman perdagangan dengan pengunjung website. Menjangkau MetaTrader 5 pengembang jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang platform teknologi dan layanan untuk perdagangan di pasar diatur .

Kami berharap Anda akan menikmati diskusi dan membantu untuk menciptakan lebih banyak ide untuk perdagangan yang sukses!
Very interesting. Thanks.