mql4 variable number of inputs?


Hi evryone,

How to code variable number of inputs on mql4?


first we enter number of inputs:  input int NumberOfInput = 5;

Then the input window will show 5 lines of Input to enter value:

input double data1;

input double data2;

input double data3;

input double data4;

input double data5;

Thank you!

GrantNguyen: How to code variable number of inputs on mql4?

Not possible. The number of inputs is defined at compile time.

You can however, create a string input and then parse it for data, but then you will not be able to optimise on them.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Not possible. The number of inputs is defined at compile time.

You can however, create a string input and then parse it for data, but then you will not be able to optimise on them.

Thank you very much!