Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 147


No, it is not trading from inside the channel - there are no fish there (or rather the spread does not allow to take profit that way).

As for equity - I will dig out the Surgeon's Equity Indicator in my stash (I had it somewhere), put it on and show what happened to equity from start to finish after the trade is closed.


No, it's not trading from the borders inside the channel - no fish there ( or rather the spread won't allow you to take profits that way ).

As for equity - I will dig out the Surgeon's Equity Indicator in my storehouse ( I had it somewhere), apply it and show me after the deal closure what happened to equity from the start to the finish.

What is there to dig - it is on every corner...

equity_v7.mq4  24 kb
already found and installed, thanks!...
already found and installed, thanks!...
and what does it show? can i see? and at what depo load
What does it show?

Equity behaviour

Yes. The underlined one is the eaten spread when entering a trade. On the left - behaviour of equity during an open trade. Depo loading on each trade is 50%.

So the equity walks around like I said it would. On average the drawdown reaches the size of one or two commissions when the spread is opened.

This one is the same indy after one hour. As you can see the spread has repaid the commission and we are waiting for the profit and trade closing (well, the Expert Advisors will do this themselves afterwards). This is how it behaves.


yes, the drawdown is more significant than the profit (judging by the balance to equity ratio)

but the main thing is that it gives profit, a tolerable level of drawdown can be adjusted by loading


yes, the drawdown is more significant than the profit (judging by the balance to equity ratio)

but the main thing is that it gives profit, a tolerable level of drawdown can be adjusted by loading

Not necessarily. Usually profit is two or three times the drawdown, but if my indulators and Expert Advisors see the need to cover spread, they do it without a word and I usually do not argue with them.

Not necessarily. Usually the profit is a couple of times the drawdown, but if my indices and EAs see the need to cover the spread, they cover it without a word and I usually don't argue with them.
What indulators do you use?
What kind of turkeys do you use? <br / translate="no">

The usual ones ( from the classics ): channel diverters of spread movements + combinatorics.

The usual ( from the classics ): channel diverters of spread movements + combinatorics.
Do the turkeys do much good?