[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 181


Yeah, right... I defended Prokhorov, so what? The schedule is the same as everyone else's.


Still waiting, 3212 +/- 10 points.

But in about 15 minutes I'll probably be out of it anyway.


Yeah, right... I defended Prokhorov, so what? The schedule is the same as everyone else's.


Removed stop, added buy!
Because the eurodollar is now oriented towards the euro-yen....

And the euro yen is about to rebound ^.

And the euro yen is about to rebound ^.
just as the rating agencies are talking about downgrading Asian countries

It makes sense to buy now, but I'll personally pass - I'm done for the day.


It makes sense to buy one. Now, but I'll personally pass - I'm done for the day.

Even the m5 is dead.


Even on the m5 it's deafening.

I'm done for the day, best of luck to all.
That's it, the old gap is closed. Can we go up now?
I'm done for the day, best of luck to all.

All right, see you tomorrow.

sl 3212


Come on, see you tomorrow.

sl 3212

Not much...the eu at least at 23...should correct...