Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1408

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I will tell you a secret - I read Fgoyd, studied psychology, have friends "psychologists" and psychotherapists, I treat the profession of the latter with special awe and respect. I treat the profession of the former with irony. I have great respect for psychiatry.

There are two people who carry in their bags all sorts of consumer goods to be sold at railway stations, squares, apartments, etc.

One sold everything, and the other just one thing.

Why is this so? Because one is a good psychologist, and the other a plumber.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

There are two people, each loaded in a bag all sorts of consumer goods for sale (vparivaniya) at train stations, squares, apartments, etc.

One sold everything, and the other just one thing.

Why is this so? Because one is a good psychologist and the other a plumber.

And the other is a Gribachev.

it is clear, but it is not a fact that the first studied psychology, and the second did not study
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

and the other Gribachev.

this is understandable, but it is not a fact that the first studied psychology and the second did not study

Not that I have studied, but I have attended many seminars on this subject, so I can draw conclusions. And not everyone is given it, many are born to be sheep led by a shepherd. Some from this category try to jump a little higher than the plinth, but fall again, because it is not theirs.

I won't go into details, but being a good psychologist and seeing the weaknesses of a person you can "push" on is not superfluous.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I will tell you a secret - I read Fgoyd, studied psychology, have friends "psychologists" and psychotherapists, I treat the profession of the latter with special awe and respect. I treat the profession of the former with irony. I have great respect for psychiatry.

Do you understand that a psychologist in our country is a psychotherapist without medical education? Do you understand that psychiatry in its bare form existed for a long time in the USSR, where people were not treated but poisoned with drugs?

And if we are talking about science again, psychologists and psychotherapists and even psychiatrists now study psychology. A psychologist is engaged in counseling (superficial psychotherapy), and a psychotherapist uses various techniques to correct the human consciousness - both are usually dealt with by people in our country with a degree in psychology.

On the other hand in the same U.S. they often take money for alleviating symptoms, especially when working with children and the elderly, about which many famous psychotherapists (psychologists as we say) complain.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Do you understand that a psychologist in our country is a psychotherapist with no medical training? Do you realize that psychiatry in its bare form existed for a long time in the USSR, where people were not treated but poisoned with drugs?

I don't know what you're making up. A psychologist in our country is a charlatan.

I've just watched this, it's hilarious.

A psychologist or a psychiatrist... I don't know.

"Today we looked at what we posted on social media and what was really behind it." )))))

- She does it (pictures on Instagram) not because the sunset is beautiful, but because she is beautiful. Because the sunset is on the sea, because she is also smart and she wants to tell it to someone... ))))) ahahahahah

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I don't know what you're making up. A psychologist in our country is a charlatan.

I saw this the other day. It's hilarious.

A psychologist or a psychiatrist... I don't know.

So psychology as a science exists, but in our country it is engaged only charlatans?

I looked through the video and did not understand what they wanted to say - a man makes money using his talent - what is wrong here?

I did not see obvious harm in his activities.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I don't know what you're making up. A psychologist in our country is a charlatan.

I saw this the other day. It's hilarious.

A psychologist or a psychiatrist... I don't know.

Here is the answer)

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Machine learning in trading: theory and practice (trading and not only)

Vitaly Muzichenko, 2019.03.17 00:04

Not that I studied, but attended many seminars on this topic, so I can make conclusions. And not everyone is given this, many are born to be sheep led by a shepherd. Some from this category try to jump a little higher than the plinth, but fall again, because it is not theirs.

I won't go into details, but being a good psychologist and seeing the weaknesses of a person you can "push" on is not superfluous.

It's not like the head of the company is a factory turner who works to feed his family and earn a pension.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Well, here's the answer.)

The head of the company is not a turner from the factory, who works to feed his family and earn a pension.

I have already written above about the danger of such businessmen in high executive structures. Pure quackery.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I have already written above about the danger of such businessmen in high positions of power. Pure quackery.

It depends on how you use it, not everyone uses it to their detriment.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It depends on how you use it, not everyone uses it to their detriment.

Guess why companies need them. Or rather, you know why. To process the clientele, and mostly children's immature psyche or elderly people. For example, with their various promotions. Whether it's good or bad... Well, everyone will define it to the extent of his talent

But obviously not for "psychological" support of their clients. And the methods of the organization of different actions are always banal - the usual deception and confusion, there was not even a whiff of psychology