Playsound error-says Playsound needs a variable


This is the first sound Alert I have ever put in a code. The simple things always turn out to be a bug for me.

I looked at an example but I didn't see any variable for Playsound. Would help if I could make this work. I have

some other issues that I will Post later.




instead of

void PlaySound("alert.wav");



Volume==1 is not reliable. Volume can skip numbers

high==open&& high=close... isn't reliable. Start is called when anything changes not just price, like spread, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL), etc

Bars == bars.prev isn't reliable. Bars stops changing once max bars in chart is reached.

Time[0] is reliable

int start(){
    static datetime Time0;  bool    newBar  = Time0 < Time[0];
    if (!newBar) return(0);                   Time0 = Time[0];