Discussion of article "MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes"


New article MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes is published:

This is the first article of the MQL5 Cookbook series. I will start with simple examples to allow those who are taking their first steps in programming to gradually become familiar with the new language. I remember my first efforts at designing and programming trading systems which I may say was quite difficult, given the fact that it was the first programming language in my life. However, it turned out to be easier than I thought and it only took me a few months before I could develop a fairly complex program.

MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes

Author: Anatoli Kazharski

Thanks a lot for this easy but very usefull article. I go on with the second part of coockbook.
Excellent didactics! Congratulations! Thanks!