
Functions for quick curve plotting.

Version for plotting a single curve using Y coordinates.

string  GraphPlot(
   const double     &y[],                  // Y coordinates
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type


Y array indices are used as X coordinates for the curve.

Version for plotting a single curve using X and Y coordinates

string  GraphPlot(
   const double     &x[],                  // X coordinates
   const double     &y[],                  // Y coordinates
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type

Version for plotting two curves using X and Y coordinates

string  GraphPlot(
   const double     &x1[],                 // X coordinates
   const double     &y1[],                 // Y coordinates
   const double     &x2[],                 // X coordinates
   const double     &y2[],                 // Y coordinates
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type


Version for plotting three curves using X and Y coordinates

string  GraphPlot(
   const double     &x1[],                 // X coordinates
   const double     &y1[],                 // Y coordinates
   const double     &x2[],                 // X coordinates
   const double     &y2[],                 // Y coordinates
   const double     &x3[],                 // X coordinates
   const double     &y3[],                 // Y coordinates
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type

Version for plotting a curve using CPoint2D points coordinates  

string  GraphPlot(
   const CPoint2D   &points[],             // curve coordinates
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type


Version for plotting two curves using CPoint2D points coordinates  

string  GraphPlot(
   const CPoint2D   &points1[],            // curve coordinates
   const CPoint2D   &points2[],            // curve coordinates
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type

Version for plotting three curves using CPoint2D points coordinates  

string  GraphPlot(
   const CPoint2D   &points1[],            // curve coordinates
   const CPoint2D   &points2[],            // curve coordinates
   const CPoint2D   &points3[],            // curve coordinates
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type


Version for plotting a curve using the pointer to CurveFunction

string  GraphPlot(
   CurveFunction    function,              // pointer to the function
   const double     from,                  // initial value of the argument
   const double     to,                    // final value of the argument
   const double     step,                  // increment by the argument
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type

Version for plotting two curves using the pointers to the CurveFunction functions

string  GraphPlot(
   CurveFunction    function1,             // pointer to the function
   CurveFunction    function2,             // pointer to the function
   const double     from,                  // initial value of the argument
   const double     to,                    // final value of the argument
   const double     step,                  // increment by the argument
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type

Version for plotting three curves using the pointers to the CurveFunction functions

string  GraphPlot(
   CurveFunction    function1,             // pointer to the function
   CurveFunction    function2,             // pointer to the function
   CurveFunction    function3,             // pointer to the function
   const double     from,                  // initial value of the argument
   const double     to,                    // final value of the argument
   const double     step,                  // increment by the argument
   ENUM_CURVE_TYPE  type=CURVE_POINTS      // curve type



[in]  X coordinates.


[in]  Y coordinates.


[in]  X coordinates for the first curve.


[in]  Y coordinates for the first curve.


[in]  X coordinates for the second curve.


[in]  Y coordinates for the second curve.


[in]  X coordinates for the third curve.


[in]  Y coordinates for the third curve.


[in]  Coordinates of the curve dots.


[in]  Coordinates of the first curve dots.


[in]  Coordinates of the second curve dots.


[in]  Coordinates of the third curve dots.


[in] Pointer to the CurveFunction function.


[in]  Pointer to the first function.


[in]  Pointer to the second function.


[in]  Pointer to the third function.


[in]  Corresponds to the first X coordinate.


[in]  Corresponds to the last X coordinate.


[in]  Parameter for calculating the X coordinates.


[in]  Curve type.

Return Value

Name of a graphical resource.