
Sort a matrix or vector in place.

void vector::Sort(
  func_name  compare_func=NULL // comparison function
  T          context             // parameter for the custom sort function
void matrix::Sort(
  func_name  compare_func=NULL   // comparison function
  T          context             // parameter for the custom sort function
void matrix::Sort(
  const int  axis,               // axis for sorting
  func_name  compare_func=NULL   // comparison function
  T          context             // parameter for the custom sort function



[in]  The axing along which to sort: 0 is horizontal, 1 is vertical.


[in]  Comparator. You can specify one of the values of the ENUM_SORT_MODE enumeration or your own comparison function. If no function is specified, ascending sort is used.
A custom comparison function can be of two types:

  • int comparator(T x1,T x2)
  • int comparator(T x1,T x2,TContext context)

Here T is the type of matrix or vector, and TContex is the type of the 'context' variable which is passed as an additional parameter to the Sort method.


[in] Additional optional parameter that can be passed to a custom sort function.

Return Value

None. Sorting is performed in place, i.e. it is applied to the data of the matrix/vector for which the Sort method is called.


//| Sort function                                                    |
int MyDoubleComparator(double x1,double x2,int sort_mode=0)
   int res=x1<x2 ? -1 : (x1>x2 ? 1 : 0);
   return(sort_mode==0 ? res : -res);
//| Script start function                                            |
void OnStart()
   //--- fill the vector
   vector v(100);
   //--- sort ascending
   v.Sort(MyDoubleComparator);   // an additional parameter with the default value '0' is used here
   // sort descending
   v.Sort(MyDoubleComparator,1); // here the additional parameter '1' is explicitly specified by the user