//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
//--- check for the presence of a symbol in the lists, if not found, report it and complete the work
bool custom = false;
if(!SymbolExist(SYMBOL_NAME, custom))
PrintFormat("'%s' symbol not found in the lists", SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- add a symbol to the Market Watch window
if(!SymbolSelect(SYMBOL_NAME, true))
Print("SymbolSelect() failed. Error ", GetLastError());
//--- if a symbol is successfully added to the list, get its index in the Market Watch window and send the result to the journal
int index = SymbolIndex(SYMBOL_NAME);
PrintFormat("The '%s' symbol has been added to the MarketWatch list. Symbol index in the list: %d", SYMBOL_NAME, index);
//--- now remove the symbol from the Market Watch window
if(!SymbolSelect(SYMBOL_NAME, false))
Print("SymbolSelect() failed. Error ", GetLastError());
//--- if a symbol is successfully removed from the list, its index in the Market Watch window is -1, send the deletion result to the journal
index = SymbolIndex(SYMBOL_NAME);
PrintFormat("The '%s' symbol has been removed from the MarketWatch list. Symbol index in the list: %d", SYMBOL_NAME, index);
The 'GBPHKD' symbol has been added to the MarketWatch list. Symbol index in the list: 12
The 'GBPHKD' symbol has been removed from the MarketWatch list. Symbol index in the list: -1
//| Return the symbol index in the Market Watch symbol list |
int SymbolIndex(const string symbol)
int total = SymbolsTotal(true);
for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
string name = SymbolName(i, true);
if(name == symbol)
return i;