
Sets a parameter value in a request.

bool  DatabaseBind(
   int  request,      // the handle of a request created in DatabasePrepare
   int  index,        // the parameter index in the request
   T    value         // the value of a simple type parameter



[in]  The handle of a request created in DatabasePrepare().


[in]  The parameter index in the request a value should be set for. The numbering starts with zero.


[in]  The value to be set. Extended types: bool, char, uchar, short, ushart, int, uint, color, datetime, long, ulong, float, double, string.

Return Value

Returns true if successful, otherwise - false. To get the error code, use GetLastError(), the possible responses are:

  • ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (4003)             – unsupported type;
  • ERR_DATABASE_INVALID_HANDLE (5121)  - invalid database handle;
  • ERR_DATABASE_NOT_READY (5128)         - cannot use the function to make a request at the moment. The request is being executed or already complete. DatabaseReset() should be called.



The function is used in case an SQL request contains "?" or "?N" parameterizable values where N means the parameter index (starting from one). At the same time, parameters indexing in DatabaseBind() starts from zero.

For example:

     INSERT INTO table VALUES (?,?,?)
     SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=?

The function may be called immediately after a parametrized request is created in DatabasePrepare() or after the request is reset using DatabaseReset().

Use this function together with DatabaseReset() to execute the request as many times as needed with different parameter values.

The function is designed to work with simple type parameters. If a parameter should be checked against an array, use the DatabaseBindArray() function.


//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   MqlTick ticks[];
//--- remember the start time before receiving the ticks
   uint start=GetTickCount();
//--- request the tick history per day
   ulong to=TimeCurrent()*1000;
   ulong from=to-PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1)*1000;
   if(CopyTicksRange(_Symbol, ticks, COPY_TICKS_ALL, from, to)==-1)
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyTicksRange(%s - %s) failed, error=%d",
                  _SymbolTimeToString(datetime(from/1000)), TimeToString(datetime(to/1000)), _LastError);
      //--- how many ticks were received and how much time it took to receive them
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyTicksRange received %d ticks in %d ms (from %s to %s)",
                  _SymbolArraySize(ticks), GetTickCount()-start,
                  TimeToString(datetime(from/1000)), TimeToString(datetime(to/1000)));
//--- set the file name for storing the database
   string filename=_Symbol+" "+TimeToString(datetime(from/1000))+" - "+TimeToString(datetime(to/1000))+".sqlite";
   StringReplace(filename, ":""."); // ":" character is not allowed in file names
//--- open/create the database in the common terminal folder
      Print("Database: ", filename, " open failed with code "GetLastError());
      Print("Database: ", filename, " opened successfully");
//--- create the TICKS table
   if(!DatabaseExecute(db, "CREATE TABLE TICKS("
                       "SYMBOL             CHAR(10),"
                       "TIME               INT NOT NULL,"
                       "BID                REAL,"
                       "ASK                REAL,"
                       "LAST               REAL,"
                       "VOLUME             INT,"
                       "TIME_MSC           INT,"
                       "VOLUME_REAL        REAL);"))
      Print("DB: ", filename, " create table TICKS failed with code "GetLastError());
//--- display the list of all fields in the TICKS table
   if(DatabasePrint(db, "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(TICKS)", 0)<0)
      PrintFormat("DatabasePrint(\"PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(TICKS)\") failed, error code=%d at line %d"GetLastError(), __LINE__);
//--- create a parametrized request to add ticks to the TICKS table
              " VALUES (?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8)"// request parameters
   int request=DatabasePrepare(db, sql);
      PrintFormat("DatabasePrepare() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
      Print("SQL request: ", sql);
//--- set the value of the first request parameter
   DatabaseBind(request, 0, _Symbol);
//--- remember the start time before adding ticks to the TICKS table
   int total=ArraySize(ticks);
   bool request_error=false;
   for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
      //--- set the values of the remaining parameters before adding the entry
      if(!DatabaseBind(request, 1, ticks[i].time))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseBind() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
         PrintFormat("Tick #%d line=%d", i+1, __LINE__);
      //--- if the previous DatabaseBind() call was successful, set the next parameter       
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseBind(request, 2, ticks[i].bid))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseBind() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
         PrintFormat("Tick #%d line=%d", i+1, __LINE__);
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseBind(request, 3, ticks[i].ask))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseBind() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
         PrintFormat("Tick #%d line=%d", i+1, __LINE__);
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseBind(request, 4, ticks[i].last))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseBind() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
         PrintFormat("Tick #%d line=%d", i+1, __LINE__);
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseBind(request, 5, ticks[i].volume))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseBind() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
         PrintFormat("Tick #%d line=%d", i+1, __LINE__);
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseBind(request, 6, ticks[i].time_msc))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseBind() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
         PrintFormat("Tick #%d line=%d", i+1, __LINE__);
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseBind(request, 7, ticks[i].volume_real))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseBind() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
         PrintFormat("Tick #%d line=%d", i+1, __LINE__);
      //--- execute a request for inserting the entry and check for an error
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseRead(request) && (GetLastError()!=ERR_DATABASE_NO_MORE_DATA))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseRead() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
      //--- reset the request before the next parameter update
      if(!request_error && !DatabaseReset(request))
         PrintFormat("DatabaseReset() failed with code=%d"GetLastError());
     } //--- done going through all the ticks
//--- transactions status
      PrintFormat("Table TICKS: failed to add %d ticks "ArraySize(ticks));
      PrintFormat("Table TICKS: added %d ticks in %d ms",
                  ArraySize(ticks), GetTickCount()-start);
//--- close the database file and inform of that
   PrintFormat("Database: %s created and closed", filename);
  EURUSD: CopyTicksRange received 268061 ticks in 47 ms (from 2020.03.18 12:40 to 2020.03.19 12:40)
  Database: EURUSD 2020.03.18 12.40 - 2020.03.19 12.40.sqlite opened successfully
  #| cid name        type     notnull dflt_value pk
  1|   0 SYMBOL      CHAR(10)       0             0 
  2|   1 TIME        INT            1             0 
  3|   2 BID         REAL           0             0 
  4|   3 ASK         REAL           0             0 
  5|   4 LAST        REAL           0             0 
  6|   5 VOLUME      INT            0             0 
  7|   6 TIME_MSC    INT            0             0 
  8|   7 VOLUME_REAL REAL           0             0 
  Table TICKS: added 268061 ticks in 797 ms
  Database: EURUSD 2020.03.18 12.40 - 2020.03.19 12.40.sqlite created and closed
  OnCalculateCorrelation=0.87 2020.03.19 13:00:  EURUSD vs GBPUSD  PERIOD_M30 

See also

DatabasePrepare, DatabaseReset, DatabaseRead, DatabaseBindArray