Summary review Hybrid Grid weeks 35/36

31 August 2014, 20:24
Forex Technical Analyst Trader
In this article I will provide my view on the AUD/JPY and EUR/USD. These are the pairs that I am currently interested in or was interested in last week for trading with the Hybrid Grid strategy.
- All trades are based on specific rules according to the FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid strategy.
- All open positions can be viewed by clicking here.
- All closed positions can be viewed by clicking here.

The full version of the article will provide:
  • The weekly currency score for the major currencies.
  • The weekly currency chart for the interesting pairs.
  • The daily(timing) chart for the interesting pairs.
  • Possible positions for the coming week and positions taken.


 Currency scroe

See Currency score explained for more details
  • The USD, AUD and CAD are very strong. The EUR, JPY and CHF are the weakest currencies. The best pairs to look at are a combination of those pairs. 
  • The AUD remains in general stronger than the JPY. This combinations is interesting. Same for the USD compared to the EUR. 
  • The CHF has become weak just recently but is in general stronger than the EUR. So the preference for going short is the EUR.
  • The CAD has become strong lately but offer less opportunities compared to the other stronger pairs.
  • The EUR/USD  and AUD/JPY remain the best pairs to trade. These are one of the interesting pair combinations according to the strategy rules for the FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid strategy, see FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid
  • Last week there were positions taken for the EUR/USD. Check the results by clicking on the links provided at the top of this article. 

Open/pending positions of last week.
Total outlook: Up

Total outlook: Down

Although the explanation may seem simple and clear there is always risk involved. I added a disclaimer to my blog for this purpose. If you like to use this article then mention the source by providing the URL or the direct link to this article

Good luck next week and don't forget to check my weekly Forex Ranking and Rating list on Twitter @FxTaTrader .