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Added topic Warren Buffett's Favorite Economic Indicator Is Showing Serious Upward Momentum
Warren Buffett’s favorite indicator of economic growth continues to gain momentum here in the early spring. The latest year over year reading from AAR shows a 9.3% increase in rail traffic. This brings the 12 week moving averaged to 5.7%, the highest
Added topic Is The US Military Preparing For The Collapse Of The Dollar?
It almost happened in 2008... but as this excerpt from Casey Research's Meltdown America documentary notes, it appears the US military is preparing for the potential collapse of the US dollar. As Scott Taylor warns, "...if the carrot (of credit
Added topic Rich Buy Real Estate, Poor Want Gold
If you want to know what someone’s views of society are, ask what they believe is the best long-term investment. I am fascinated each year when Gallup Poll asks Americans to choose the best option among real estate, stocks and mutual funds, gold
Added topic Tuesday Humor: QE Was For "The Man On The Street" Says Chairman Emeritus Bernanke
The proud recipient of today's $250,000 invoice for propaganda rendered by Ben Bernanke will be the Economic Club of Canada... BERNANKE: FED ACTIONS DIDN'T FAVOR WALL STREET OVER MAIN STREET Bernanke Says US Economy Is Heading Towards Complete
Added topic Europe April Manufacturing Summary: France's Loss Is Germany's Gain
There is a reason why while Germany has been delighted to keep the Euro as its currency, in the process keeping a substantial discount to where the Deutsche Mark would be trading if it weren't for the implicit FX subsidies by ther Eurozone members
Added topic ECB "Models" €1 Trillion QE
Update: in direct flashback from the summer of 2011 when the ECB leaked news only to retract it within minutes, this just happened: CONSTANCIO: DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT 1 TLN-EURO QE MODEL REPORT For those who have forgotten, here is the ECB playbook: leak
Added topic A Warning About Algo Trading Gone Wild... From 1988
I didn't start out with much interest in the stock market—though, like most people, I enjoy watching it go boom and crash. When it crashed on October 19, 1987, I happened to be hovering around the fortieth floor of One New York Plaza, the stock
Added topic And The World's "Most Powerful" Nation Is...
In terms of economic might, BBVA has created an index of "world market power" enabling an at-a-glance view of a nation's impact on the global economy via relevance of exports, exposure to external shocks, technological content, and retained
Added topic The Complete Interactive Guide To How The NSA Spies On Everything You Do
With all the hoopla about missing airplanes, renewed wars of the cold variety, and rigged markets, it is easy to forget that America is now officially a totalitarian state of the Orwellian kind, where the population has - involuntarily - ceded all of
Added topic Currency Volatility Falls to Least Since 2007
A measure of implied price swings in currency markets fell to the lowest in more than six years as investors awaited minutes of the Federal Reserve’s March meeting this week for clues on the outlook for interest rates. Volatility in developed-nation
Added topic Traders should demand true transparency from their broker and IB
Following the shutdown of ILQ in the US, which mostly had IBs as clients, I had quick written interview with Vatsa Narasimha, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer at OANDA Corporation. Narasimha notes that there are more stringent
Added topic WSJ: "Markets Are In Thrall To Central Banks Rather Than Caring About The Economy"
It was about 5 years ago, roughly the same time we launched our crusade against HFT, that we also first made the accusation that as a result of QE and the Fed's central planning, the forward-looking, discounting mechanism formerly known as the
Added topic Marc Faber Warns "The Market Is Waking Up To How Clueless The Fed Is"
" I think it's very likely that we're seeing, in the next 12 months, an '87-type of crash ," warns a somewhat excited sounding Marc Faber, adding that he thinks "it will be worse." The pain is just getting started as Faber notes that "the market is
Added topic Deutsche Bank-er Explains Why He Committed Suicide
The dismal list of financial executive deaths has recently increased to 11 in the last few months. Speculation has surrounded many of these deaths (and suicides) as to the reasoning; none more than the first - William Broeksmit, an executive who
Added topic What Happens If A US President Stops Speaking, And Nobody Claps
... does it mean that everyone saw right through the endless bluster, hollow rhetoric and empty promises of the man tasked with reading from a teleprompter, and currently in charge of one of the world's most totalitarian states? Because either
Added topic Gun-Banning CA Senator Busted For Weapons Trafficking
Filed under 'most ironic story of the day' , California Senator Leland Yee, who authored gun control legislation, has been busted by the FBI for conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and to illegally import firearms . As AP reports , Yee is
Added topic Currencies Could Explode Next Week
5 Reasons Why Currencies Could Explode Next Week There are certain weeks in the foreign exchange market that are more exciting than others and the first week of each month is always a busy one. In fact the mini breakout in USD/JPY on Friday gives
Added topic CFTC Commitments of Traders weekly data
Many speculative traders use the Commitments of Traders report to help them decide whether or not to take a long or short position. One theory is that "small speculators" are generally wrong and that the best position is contrary to the net
Added topic Central Banks Are Really, Really Powerful
If there’s one lesson that everyone has realized over the last 5 years it’s that central banks are really, really powerful. They are lenders of last resort, they can completely alter our portfolio composition, they can alter expectations, etc. I
Added topic Mario Draghi's Favorite Joke
In his latest "What Next in The Global Economy" note, Morgan Stanley economist Joachim Fels passes along the following little story about Mario Draghi: Who said central bankers have no sense of humour? During a recent dinner at Frankfurt’s