General - page 63

Custom Symbols won't support more than 8 digits. If i customize symbol digits to 9 it automatically switch to 8. May I know if this is a limitation in MT5 Custom Symbols
I use a VPN for protection on my laptop as I travel for work and use motel wifi. I recently purchased an EA - I downloaded it to 2 different MT5 terminals - one on my laptop and one on a VPS . It says I have used 2 of 5 activations. There are some issues with the EA that I am working with to seller
Fundamental trading principles require instant responses to significant market changes and outstanding reliability when performing trades. In other words, a trade must be executed precisely at the moment you need it. We have created MetaTrader VPS enabling every trader to create predictably robust
I’m having an issue with the website not loading properly in my browser. I’ve tried 3 other browsers without success. I’ve also cleared my cache, reset my DNS all without success. I have no idea what the problem could be. The only place that the website loads properly for me on my phone’s browser
I don't know where to post this topic, sorry if it causes trouble. My account has some problems thanks to the support team, but more than 3 weeks have passed without anyone helping to resolve it, even though I have created a support request 3 times at the Service Desk... How to solve the problem for
Hi need help, MQL5 Metaeditor F1 help not working. Nothing happens when pressing F1. Metaeditor Version 5.00 build 2734 on Windows 10 Pro I have uninstalled and reinstalled MQL5. Cant find where the MQL5 Metaeditor help is located. Pressing F1 on MQL4 Metaeditor works fine
  VPN Space  (3)
Hello there! Does Meta still have a free VPN host
Hello friends I really need help and guidance. How can we improve the ranking of our products? Sometimes, a high-quality product may remain at the bottom of the product search pages and not be seen. What is the solution to this challenge? I am grateful for any guidance from experienced and
  Demo Versions  (2)
What is demo versions in spider diagram chart at our profile? What are the differents demo version with signal in demo account type? Thank you
Why service desk not responding.. I open ticket before 7 days ago because from last 15 days client is not responding so I asked to admin to check why client is not responding but service desk is not responding
Hello good time Dear Sir or Khan, Metatrader has 5 problems, it closes transactions incorrectly I was going to risk free my trades when metatrader closed my trades at a loss. Please check and return my trades. How can I give you the statement of my transactions so that you can check the hours
  Item purchased  (2)
I purchased <Deleted by moderator> for MT5 and it's no longer working on <Deleted by moderator> due to their updates which is no longer compatable with MQL5, what do I need to do to get it working again
I'm typing in Xauusd and it not coming up on mt5
Hello, I used VPS a long time ago and stopped it for a while. Recently, I wanted to use VPS again, but encountered an issue where it kept showing that there were no host servers available. What should I do
Hi, i just bought an EA and i was chatting with the seller because he was helping me set it up. suddenly i can't send him a screenshot anymore ; its says: User banned temporary for too many messages or assigning
  VPS purchase  (5)
good day. i need assistance in purchasing a VPS
Everyone who uses trading robots or signal subscriptions sooner or later recognizes the need to rent a reliable 24/7 hosting server for their trading platform. We recommend using MetaTrader VPS for several reasons . You can conveniently pay and manage the subscription through your
Hello, i bought <Deleted by moderator> , could install it on my MT4, but since then i changed broker and i dont find it anymore. I downloaded the updated version, but when i click on "open" in my purchassed section, nothing happens Would be great if anyone could help thanks a lot
desktop version not working tried Wine and PlayonMac and they both don't work...please help
So I already have a VPS with Metatrader for my broker's live account but when I opened a demo account MT5 is asking to rent a VPS. Do I need to rent two different VPS's
Hello all, I have been trying all day to download meta4 onto my macbook. It lets me download it and it says its all successful. But when I click the icon to load it, nothing happens. Has anyone got any ideas to whats happening? Thanks
Hello, I am a new user to the platform, and I am having a difficulty using the order window. On the order window, in the Symbol section I can only choose Forex X. I can't place an order for Forex. I am doing something wrong or it is intended to be like this? Thank you for your time
  Email change  (2)
need help with changing the email linked to my account if possible
Hi all, I've run into this particular bug, I can't seem to "Hide" or Delete my Symbols from Market Watch, I'm using ICMarkets, Can anybody confirm if this is a bug or does MT just suck? I've hidden Symbols before, but always struggle with this. Kind Regards
Hello all, does anyone know which custom symbol properties are read only and thus cannot be modified with the functions CustomSymbolSetInteger, CustomSymbolSetDouble and CustomSymbolSetString? I was looking for this information in the documentation and in internet but I didn't find it. The only hint authorization failed  (127   1 2 3 4 5 ... 12 13) authorization failed I can't install EA on my MT4 and already send ticket to service desk but no one answer me. How to fix it ? Thank you
After reinstalling the VPS system, I failed to log in to the MQL5 community with an incorrect password displayed. However, I was able to log in normally in other VPS, while the newly installed VPS system was unable to log in and displayed a password or an incorrect account. I confirmed that my
Hello Sir I am contacting you via this email because my account that I created to make purchases on your platform was deactivated by Google so I lost my access to connect to your platform in order to benefit from the indicators that I purchased on your platform. I am writing to
I've been reading you may have to activate again if reinstalling an Os or even after large OS updates, is there a way to reclaim the used activation before doing updates or OS reinstall etc? Thanks, Lucas