Do you think the price movement algorithm is known? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to anyone?

Do you think the price movement algorithm is known? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to anyone?
Do you think the algorithm for price movement is known? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to anyone?

Yes, you can if you ask about it in this forum 🤣.

Vasile Verdes #:

Yes, you can if you ask about it in this forum 🤣.

Who needs it?

Are there any other traders who haven't found this algorithm?

Mr.AnArB #:

Who needs it?

Are there any traders who have not found this algorithm?

There are none. Everyone has found it.

Do you think you know the algorithm for price movements? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to someone?

You can write a robot or indicator and sell your idea

Vladimir Gribachev write a robot or an indicator and sell your idea

The most important thing is to name the advisor the same way as the topic... 1km long.

If the starting seat is known, you can also buy
Do you think the price movement algorithm is known? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to anyone?
There is no price movement algorithm. Are you talking about the rollover?

I mean, how relevant is it to do development work in the field of stock trading? Are there any professional stock speculators now. It seems that people are losing interest in trying to make money on the financial markets.

Mr.AnArB #:

I mean, how relevant is it to do development work in the field of stock trading? Are there any professional stock speculators now. It seems that people are losing interest in trying to make money on the financial markets.

You are guaranteed to be able to monetise your algorithm if it really works.
But no one believes words.
We need a working prototype that can reasonably prove the effectiveness of the algorithm not only on historical data with preliminary "optimization", but on a real account in real time.
Without it, any experienced trader will take your words with a smirk on their face, because they have numerous experiences with gore-gralers, of which there are many more than traders.
And every experienced handout writer here will realise with a probability far greater than 99% that you overestimate your creation and underestimate the realities of the market.
If you are not a programmer and are trying to find a free programmer here who will believe your words, I personally do not advise doing so, as it is perceived toxically here, as if a freeloader is looking for suckers.
Find a better paid programmer with a high rating here in freelancing and place an order.
If you are a programmer, then get to work.

Do you think the price movement algorithm is known? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to anyone?

That's a good one, isn't it?