CustomSymbols Historical Data erased with error in HistoryCache HistoryBase - page 2


I create a CustomSymbol with CustomSymbolCreate, download data and update the chart with the CustomRatesUpdate function into the MQLRates array. This all works fine.  After that I update the chart with live data. This works fine too.  The error I get is HistoryCache container header read error [0] (printed in the logs file), then HistoryBase invalid container (1970.01.01) found (off: 3595089750, size: 86589, file: 3050482268). When this happens the historical data is deleted from the database from Jan 1, 2021 to Present time.  This error happens persistently only once (not every day) and at the creation of a New Day. 00:00.  Last time was on Sunday Feb 14 and now Saturday Feb 20.

Could this be related to using the CustomSymbolCreate(symbol, "custompath", NULL) which creates CustomSymbolSetSessionQuote from Monday through Friday which doesn't include Saturday and Sunday by default? 

I got the same error, how did you deal with it?

The same thing happens every week
