Senior Financial Market Analyst Asia
8th of November will remain, at least for a while, the highest level reached by the King of Cryptos, Bitcoin, well above $7800. The news of the cancellation of the second fork was the reason behind this impressive run...
Bitcoin over $7,000, Market Cap above $116 Billion. At this moment, Bitcoin Market Cap is above BP and less than 10 Billion of MasterCard. Will it stop here...
In Crypto World, fork became a very common term, Ethereum being the latest one to do (another) one...
Russia joins China in the anti-crypto trend. No more than a month ago, Russia was planning to legalize cryptocurrencies, but the latest comments from Governor of The Central Bank of Russian Federation and from Mr...
To understand crypto trading is not easy. Less than 1 month ago, Bitcoin broke below $3000 mark and now it's almost $5000. The drop, of course, had a fundamental reason behind, which was China's ban on crypto-trading and ICOs...
Experienced or novice in the trading field, everyone heard about Non-Farm Payrolls or NFP. If you have experience, you already know what could be the impact on a short or medium term of this event; but if you just started, maybe it would be useful to learn more about it...
Bitcoin was the main gainer lately, followed by Ethereum and Litecoin. Bitcoin is currently around $4500, Ethereum over $300 and Litecoin around $55 and it seems like the current trend is supported by fundamental as well...
This could be one of the key questions for the upcoming years, considering that Ethereum has two more steps until the complete development. We see more and more support from big companies like IBM, Microsoft or Intel and, in general, increasing support from the Corporate world...
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There is not hard to understand that Bitcoin is now on everyone's lips since the price reached almost 4 times the price of Gold. So, we have all time highs, record Market Cap, very bullish forecasts... so everything is in Bitcoin's favour...
Another hurdle was passed: $4000. I have to admit, I was not expecting to see this level reached so soon. But one thing was confirmed: Bitcoin is becoming a safe haven...
Crypto rally is ongoing and there is no sign of slowing down anytime soon. ICOs are brewing everywhere, more and more businesses are willing to accept cryptos and people are interested to know more about it. What is/are the reason(s) behind this "madness"? Are the cryptos the new safe haven...
Apparently, the fears regarding a steep drop in Bitcoin price following the "fork" were unfounded. The proof? Above $3300 during the weekend and $50 Billion market capitalization hit for the first time...
Everyone is talking about Bitcoin and Ethereum. By market cap, they have all the rights to do so. But Litecoin seems to become more attractive for businesses everyone, especially those focused on have their assets (partially) in cryptocurrency...
If you type "Bitcoin" in any search engine, the first thing you will see, almost certain, is "Split". I already explained in a previous post about this matter, but now I want to take the opportunity to discuss the effects of the so called "hard fork...
It's almost certain that in 2 days we will have 2 Bitcoin tokens. It will not be the first time this happens to a digital currency (we have Ethereum precedent), but considering that we are talking about the biggest one, the impact will be much higher. 100 sources give you 100 possible outcomes...
So the Americans will be able to trade options on Crypto... Personally, I think that it's a big step for crypto currencies and, after Japan, U.S. recognizes the growth and importance of cryptos in our society and the potential impact on the long term on the global economy...
If you ask almost anyone what crypto they (would) like to trade, most probably you will hear Bitcoin and Ethereum. Litecoin comes in third place, on a far distance from the first 2. Even if we compare Litecoin with Ethereum, Ethereum wins by a significant margin. Well, not everywhere...
We talked about price movement, evolution, involution, issues like transaction processing delays, costs... but how about security? Is Bitcoin, Ethereum as safe as we think (or advertised...
We talked about Litecoin, about Ethereum... how about Bitcoin? When you say crypto currency, even people that are not familiar with the financial markets or industry will tell you Bitcoin. Bitcoin was 8 cents in July 2010 and more than $3000 in June 2017. That is 3.75 million% in 7 years...
Until recent times, Litecoin was rarely mentioned. You will always read or hear about Bitcoin and Ethereum; Litecoin was always considered Silver for Bitcoin's Gold, therefore, the reduced attention...