Alice F
Alice F
Observer at
"The idea is to die young as late as possible. The nicest thing about the future is that it starts tomorrow."
Alice F
Reuters: El Ibex-35 de la bolsa española subía en bloque mediada la sesión del lunes, con algunos de los valores más castigados en las últimas sesiones en cabeza del pelotón...
Alice F
El 25 de julio en Nueva York murió Alan Greenberg, la leyenda de Wall Street. Su figura sintetizaba en gran parte lo mejor y lo peor de Wall Street...
Alice F
Уоррен Баффет, один из известнейших инвесторов и филантропов, председатель совета директоров и исполнительный директор Berkshire Hathaway, считает, что родители должны приучать ребенка к управлению своими карманными расходами, начиная с раннего возраста - еще в начальных классах...
Alice F
Российская Газета: Через 5-10 лет в наших карманах уже не будут шуршать бумажные деньги и звенеть монеты...
Alice F
Экономическое противостояние между Россией с одной стороны, США, ЕС и сочувствующими им странам, с другой, безусловно, наносит ущерб экономике и финансам. Масштабы проблем оценить пока сложно, но, по ощущениям, спираль взаимных ограничений будет раскручиваться еще какое-то время...
Alice F
Alice F
Частным инвесторам далеко не просто определиться, в какую страну и в какой формат недвижимости им вкладывать деньги. Бытует мнение, что ориентир нужно держать на зарубежные пенсионные фонды, и вкладывать в ту же недвижимость, что и они. Почему...
Alice F
When we hear bad news, we believe markets collapse due to logical and explicable reasons. However, deep inside we think evrything is much more complicated, and start looking for repetitions of the same events in the past, create superstitions and omens...
Alice F
Stock markets have their own mythology. You often hear a TV host say that the bears are in charge or that the bulls have taken over. Analysts like to say they are "bullish" or "bearish" on the market or on a particular stock...
Alice F
It is a pity, we have not yet mentioned the role of women in the financial sector. Only recently I came across a post about successful female traders, published in the Russian blog, and it made me curious...
Alice F
This week two main factors influenced gold prices: soft U.S. housing data supported the metal by driving uncertainties as to when the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates. News about the U.S. and Europe imposing fresh sanctions on Russia also supported the yellow metal...
Alice F
On Tuesday the dollar held steady near a six-month peak against a basket of major currencies at Australian and Singapore markets, as investors kept to the sidelines ahead of a policy review by the Federal Reserve...
Alice F
This Monday bitcoin fell further below the $600-level, as a wave of technical selling kicked in after prices fell below key support levels. According to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, which averages prices from the major exchanges, prices of the crypto-currency dropped 1.76% to trade at $580...
Alice F
On Monday the Japanese yen gained in early Asian trade with the events in Eastern Europe and Middle East on investors minds and safe haven assets sought. USD/JPY traded at 101.79, down 0.04%, while AUD/USD held at 0.9399, up 0.04%, and the US dollar index fell 0.05% to 81.11...
Alice F
On Friday Brent oil futures crawled up to a one-week high on, as investors continued to assess the geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East. On the ICE Futures Exchange in London, Brent oil for September delivery rose to a daily high of $108...
Alice F
If examine closely, it turns out that there is much in common between those who earn money in the Forex market and those who spend their working days at poker tables online...
Alice F
In order to attract more international investment and help reduce its dependence on oil revenue, Saudi Arabia is planning to open its $530 billion stock market to foreigners...
Alexander Voronkov
Alexander Voronkov
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Интересное и Юмор
Tamer Soliman
Tamer Soliman
Alice F

Forex Forecast July 21-25

19 July 2014, 11:29
Geo-political issues, which attracted the most attention at the end of this week, lifted the dollar and the yen up. US housing and inflation data, British GDP are among the main events on the forex calendar this week...