Issue getting ticket order numbers from array/class - Missing the last ticket entry


Hello there. We're running into an issue trying to print out our list of pending tickets and attached the simple code base as well as a few screen shots of what we're seeing in testing. Issue is the last pending order never gets printed and even if manually adding print statements accessing that last/missing index we dont get the expected ticket number rather some much longer number. Been staring at it so hopefully im missing something simple here with the resize etc but appreciate your help and time in advance. 

Hopefully I followed all the house rules with this post the first time haha if not I promise ill get better!

All the best. JM :)


I removed your "EA_ForumPost.txt" file attachment.

Please don't attach your source code as a ".txt" file. Attach the file with a proper MQL file extension.

Please don't create topics randomly in any section. It has been moved to the section: Expert Advisors and Automated Trading
Noted. Thanks sir. 
   for (int i=0; i<totalPendingOrders-1; i++) {
      Print("Ticket Order Number: " + ticketOrderNumbers[i]);

what is minus one for? You are missing the last member in your ticket array.

Yashar Seyyedin #:

what is minus one for? You are missing the last member in your ticket array.

Good point. Was a crazy week and thought I went thru that a couple of times. Ill triple check again on Tues and update. Hopefully I just missed the proverbial snake staring me in my face haha. Thanks Yashar for taking a look and hope you have a good weekend!

Hey thanks again for the time. That wasn't our only issue and just in case anyone was following this currently or comes across in the future here is the working code. Have a great week. :)