How to do the easiest thing to protect your programs

How to do the easiest thing to protect your programs

16 June 2023, 15:05
Vladimir Toropov

The protection of computer programs involves taking measures to keep them safe and secure from unauthorized access, copying, or modification.

Think of a computer program like a secret recipe. Just like a chef wants to keep their special recipe a secret, developers and creators of computer programs want to protect their work.


One way to protect a computer program is through something called "copyright." Copyright is like a special kind of lock that only the program's creator holds the key to. It gives the creator the exclusive right to control who can copy, distribute, or modify their program.


Another way to protect a computer program is by using "licensing." Licensing is like a permission slip. The program's creator can decide to give certain people or organizations permission to use their program in specific ways. They can set conditions and limitations to ensure that their program is used appropriately.

Technical measures

In addition to copyright and licensing, there are also technical measures that can be used to protect computer programs. These measures include things like encryption, which is like putting the program in a locked box that can only be opened with a special code or key. It makes it difficult for someone to understand or tamper with the program's code.

The protection of computer programs involves legal and technical measures to safeguard them from unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification, just like a secret recipe is protected to maintain its uniqueness and value.

To remove comments from an MQL4 or MQL5 product is to do the minimum job of protecting your program from an intruder.

The decision to remove comments from code depends on the specific circumstances and context. Here are a few considerations.

  1. Clarity and Readability: Comments in code serve as explanatory notes to help developers understand the purpose or functionality of certain sections of code. They can provide valuable insights into the logic and intentions of the original programmer. Removing comments without a good reason can make the code more difficult to understand, especially for someone new to the project.
  2. Documentation and Maintenance: Comments can act as a form of documentation, aiding in the maintenance and future development of the codebase. They can help other developers or even the original programmer recall why certain decisions were made or how specific parts of the code work. Removing comments might hinder the ability to maintain or update the code effectively.
  3. Security Concerns: In certain cases, code comments might contain sensitive information, such as passwords, API keys, or internal system details. It is generally recommended to remove or obfuscate such sensitive information from code comments to prevent potential security risks.
  4. Code Optimization: Sometimes, code comments can become outdated or redundant as the code evolves or gets refactored. In such cases, removing unnecessary comments can declutter the codebase and make it more concise.

The Remove Comments utility will help you remove all comments from your project in one click before publishing your software product. It is available for both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.


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