What is Your Annual Forecast?

What is Your Annual Forecast?

21 March 2022, 10:49
Joao Marcilio


My signal provider aims at keeping the good Annual Forecast with a well balanced Drawdown , ensuring security and stability with 24/7 operations at an affordable price for subscribers.

Many ask me:
How is it possible to maintain operations 24 hours a day, every day of the week, considering crisis and war scenarios?

In fact, it is not enough to optimize a good set of operations, it is necessary to have a broad base of analysis of historical data, and a very good simulator of scenarios with different volatilities and also, it is very important to have an accurate macroeconomic analysis to have clarity and propoer knowledge in order to make the best decisions. All these aspects do require many hours of work and surely not all traders have this kind of availability and full-time dedication.

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