RBA’s John: No Quick Fix to Lift Inflation - TDS

RBA’s John: No Quick Fix to Lift Inflation - TDS

20 May 2016, 07:28
Roberto Jacobs

RBA’s John: No Quick Fix to Lift Inflation - TDS

Research Team at TDS, notes that there was no data out today, but snippets of a Dow Jones interview with RBA Board Member John Edwards got some airplay.

Key Quotes

“The main points he made were 1) The 2-3% inflation target remains the cornerstone of RBA policy making; 2) The inflation target should be viewed as a medium term target; 3) There is a suggestion in the article that the RBA is in no rush to meet its inflation target “But then it has never been the view that the target had to be achieved each and every quarter, or for that matter each and every couple of quarters, or year for that matter “; 4) There is no quick fix to lift inflation; 5) The fiscal trajectory is not plausible; 6) If Australia loses its AAA rating, it would be a ‘big deal’.”
