14 November 2015, 19:58
Khurram Mustafa



DateTime (GMT) DateTime (GMT) Name Volatility Previous Consensus
EUR-Austria 11/16/2015 7:00 HICP (MoM) 1.00 0.60  
EUR-Austria 11/16/2015 7:00 HICP (MoM) 1.00    
EUR-Austria 11/20/2015 13:00 Consumer Confidence Index 1.00 (8.00)  
EUR-Czech Republic 11/16/2015 7:00 Producer Price Index (YoY) 1.00 (4.20)  
EUR-Czech Republic 11/16/2015 7:00 Producer Price Index (MoM) 1.00 (0.70)  
EUR-Czech Republic 11/17/2015 0:00 Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day  0.00    
EUR-Denmark 11/16/2015 7:00 Consumer Price Index (YoY) 1.00 0.40  
EUR-Denmark 11/20/2015 7:00 Retail Sales (YoY) 1.00 2.00  
EUR-France 11/19/2015 10:00 10-y Bond Auction 1.00 0.95  
EUR-Germany 11/16/2015 11:00 German Buba Monthly Report 1.00    
EUR-Germany 11/17/2015 10:00 ZEW Survey - Current Situation 2.00 55.20 55.00
EUR-Germany 11/17/2015 10:00 ZEW Survey - Economic Sentiment 2.00 1.90 5.50
EUR-Germany 11/18/2015 10:00 10-y Bond Auction 2.00 0.44  
EUR-Germany 11/20/2015 7:00 Producer Price Index (YoY) 1.00 (2.10) (2.00)
EUR-Germany 11/20/2015 7:00 Producer Price Index (MoM) 1.00 (0.40) (0.20)
EUR-Germany 11/20/2015 10:15 German Buba President Weidmann speech 2.00    
EUR-Greece 11/20/2015 10:00 Current Account (YoY) 1.00 2.09  
EUR-Hungary 11/17/2015 12:00 MNB Interest Rate Decision 1.00 1.35  
EUR-Hungary 11/18/2015 7:00 Core Consumer Price Index (YoY) 1.00 1.50  
EUR-Hungary 11/18/2015 7:00 Consumer Price Index (YoY) 1.00 0.10  
EUR-Hungary 11/20/2015 7:00 Gross Domestic Product (YoY) 1.00 2.70  
EUR-Italy 11/17/2015 9:00 Global Trade Balance 1.00 1.85  
EUR-Italy 11/17/2015 9:00 Trade Balance EU 1.00 0.47  
EUR-Netherlands, The 11/19/2015 4:30 Consumer Spending Volume 1.00 1.30  
EUR-Netherlands, The 11/19/2015 4:30 Unemployment Rate s.a (3M) 1.00 6.80  
EUR-Netherlands, The 11/19/2015 4:30 Consumer Confidence Adj 1.00 8.00  
EUR-Norway 11/16/2015 8:00 Trade Balance 1.00 15.50  
European Monetary Union 11/16/2015 10:00 Consumer Price Index (MoM) 2.00 0.20 0.10
European Monetary Union 11/16/2015 10:00 Consumer Price Index - Core (YoY) 2.00 1.00  
European Monetary Union 11/16/2015 10:00 Consumer Price Index (YoY) 2.00 0.00 0.00
European Monetary Union 11/16/2015 10:15 ECB President Draghi's Speech 3.00    
European Monetary Union 11/17/2015 10:00 ZEW Survey - Economic Sentiment 3.00 30.10  
European Monetary Union 11/18/2015 8:00 Non-monetary policy's ECB meeting 3.00    
European Monetary Union 11/18/2015 10:00 Construction Output  s.a (MoM) 1.00 (0.20)  
European Monetary Union 11/18/2015 10:00 Construction Output w.d.a (YoY) 1.00 (6.00)  
European Monetary Union 11/19/2015 9:00 Current Account n.s.a 1.00 13.70  
European Monetary Union 11/19/2015 9:00 Current Account s.a 1.00 17.70  
European Monetary Union 11/19/2015 12:30 ECB Monetary Policy Meeting Accounts 3.00    
European Monetary Union 11/20/2015 8:00 ECB President Draghi's Speech 3.00    
European Monetary Union 11/20/2015 15:00 Consumer Confidence 1.00 (7.70) (7.50)
EUR-Poland 11/16/2015 12:00 Net Inflation 1.00 0.20  
EUR-Poland 11/18/2015 12:00 Corporate Sector Wages 1.00 4.10  
EUR-Poland 11/19/2015 12:00 Retail Sales (YoY) 1.00 0.10  
EUR-Poland 11/19/2015 12:00 Industrial Output (YoY) 1.00 4.10  
EUR-Portugal 11/19/2015 11:00 Current Account Balance 1.00 0.84  
EUR-Slovakia 11/16/2015 8:00 EU Norm Inflation (MoM) 1.00 (0.20)  
EUR-Slovakia 11/16/2015 8:00 EU Norm Inflation (YoY) 1.00 (0.50)  
EUR-Slovakia 11/17/2015 0:00 Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day  0.00    
EUR-Slovakia 11/20/2015 10:00 Unemployment Rate 1.00 11.30  
EUR-Spain 11/17/2015 10:00 12-Month Letras Auction 1.00 0.01  
EUR-Spain 11/17/2015 10:00 6-Month Letras Auction 1.00 (0.01)  
EUR-Sweden 11/19/2015 7:30 Unemployment Rate 1.00 6.70  
EUR-Sweden 11/19/2015 8:30 Unemployment Rate 1.00    
EUR-Switzerland 11/18/2015 10:00 ZEW Survey - Expectations 2.00 18.30  
EUR-Switzerland 11/19/2015 7:00 Imports (MoM) 1.00 13,903.00  
EUR-Switzerland 11/19/2015 7:00 Trade Balance 1.00 3,047.00  
EUR-Switzerland 11/19/2015 7:00 Exports (MoM) 1.00 16,950.00