10 Friday Reads - the Economist Who Realized How Crazy We Are, “Financial Porn”, How To Break FIFA, and more

10 Friday Reads - the Economist Who Realized How Crazy We Are, “Financial Porn”, How To Break FIFA, and more

29 May 2015, 16:11
Sergey Golubev
  • Michael Lewis on Dick Thaler, the Economist Who Realized How Crazy We Are (BV)
  • 11% of hedge funds manage 92% of total industry capital (CIO) see also The Billion Dollar Club (TRB)
  • Lehman Brothers ex-CEO blames everyone else for financial crisis (Politico)
  • Why Do Former High-School Athletes Make More Money? Research hasn’t yet borne out whether sports breed go-getters or whether they attract kids with a knack for navigating the professional world. (The Atlantic)
  • What Will Happen to a Generation of Wall Street Traders Who Have Never Seen a Rate Hike? (Bloomberg)see also Taper Tantrum Victims Make Way for New Trio of Fragile Countries (Bloomberg)
  • 4 Signs You May Be Addicted to “Financial Porn” (Time)
  • Everything Google just announced at its I/O developer conference (Quartz) see also All the Cool Stuff Google Just Announced, Ranked by Coolness (Slate)
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson on Pluto and Science Groupies (Esquire)
  • Scientists Discover Sudden Melting in the Antarctic (Smithsonian)
  • Nate Silver: How To Break FIFA (fivethirtyeight)

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