DAX and other Indizes

DAX and other Indizes

18 July 2014, 09:52
Rinor Memeti

The Indizes switched to crisis mode. Since yesterday evening many problems appeared which scare investors. Just a Summary:


1. MH17 

23:02 Britons apply for UN special session

23:11 USA-"MH17 shot by air missle" 

00:35 UN Security Council meets on Friday 

03:30 Australia-"From Russia supported rebels responsible"

07:39 Australia ordered a Russian ambassador

09:03 East Europe expert-"Rocket comes from Russia"

It seems that the problem with ucraine and russia will be a never ending story. Since months DAX not recover from these news. If ucraine crisis will not be solved quickly the DAX will stay on trendless phase. However, it does not look like that the crise will be solved quickly. 


2. In Palästina Israel started attack against Hamas Infrastructure.  First israelian soldier died. USA supports the attack if civilians will be protected. But 20 people died in palästina since the attack on ground with soldiers. In turkey many people are demonstrating aggressive against Israels politics. This could led to internal political problems again. A very important factor for DAX and other Indizes too. Turkey is to important for EU and needs stability.


3. Dispute with Iran about nuclear matters.


4. Problems in Irque with IS.


Conclusion: At the moment there are many bad news who can dump down DAX and other indizes. It seems that if ucraine crisis will be solved, another crisis is still there which can affect the market. So in my opinion next weeks should be very worse for Long trades. Caution is advised!

The Indizes are jumping UP and DOWN. Technical Indicators, Support and Resistance appear in such phases as meaningless...


(Source is German site, sorry for that)