GerFX Breaking News Filter

1 July 2020, 15:03
Exler Consulting GmbH

Breaking News Filter

The breaking news filter can trigger signals on three types of events:

  1. Breaking news detected by my webserver, for example aobut Brexit or a missile attack on Iran. 

  2. Spikes in relative tick density (RTD). Tick density here means the number of ticks per per minute. The RTD is then calculated by the average tick density of the last 30 minutes divided by the long-term average tick density. For each currency 3 pairs are used to calculate the average. 

  3. Extreme stock market movements, for example if the SP500 index goes down more than X percentage during the last 8 hours. There are two thresholds, one for the last 8 hours and one for the last 2 hours. 

I use default settings in combination with my scalpers. The scalpers will try to read the SP500 percentage change from the global variables and act upon the value depending on the individual threshold of the pairs.  


  • sendPushNotifications - If true, it will send push notifications to the mobile MT4 app when a breaking news event has been found. Push notifications have to be enabled in MT4 options for this to work. (Tool -> Options -> Notifications -> Insert MetaQuotes ID from your mobile app). 
  • writeDataToLog - If true, it will print the SP500 change and relative tick density to the Expert log.
  • writeDataIntervalMinutes - If writeDataToLogs=true, this parameter determines the print interval in minutes. 
  • minimumGlobalSignalMinutes - Added minimumGlobalSignalMinutes. This will determine how long a BNF signal will be kept alive. The default is 30 to continue a signal even if there is an error in a web request. For SP500 or tick density the minimum duration will be the maximum between minimumGlobalSignalMinutes and SP500MinimumSignalMinutes (or tickDensityMinimumSignalMinutes for tick density).

  • triggerOnBreakingNews - If true, it will trigger a signal when my web server detected breaking news (the main purpose of this filter). 
  • breakingNewsStartHour/breakingNewsEndHour - Start and end hour for in broker time for breaking news signals. For the whole day it should be 0-24 like in the default settings (not 0-0). 

  • triggerOnSP500Movement - If true, it will trigger a breaking news signal when the SP500 percentage change is above/below one of the given thresholds. 
  • SP500StartHour/SP500EndHour - Start and end hour for in broker time for tick density signals. For the whole day it should be 0-24 like in the default settings (not 0-0). 
  • percentageDown8hours - Will trigger a signal if the SP500 declined more than this value in percentage over the last 8 hour. 
  • percentageDown2hours - Will trigger a signal if the SP500 declined more than this value in percentage over the last 2 hour. 
  • percentageUp8hours - Will trigger a signal if the SP500 increases more than this value in percentage over the last 8 hour. 
  • percentageUp2hours - Will trigger a signal if the SP500 increases more than this value in percentage over the last 2 hour. 
  • SP500MinimumSignalMinutes - If triggerOnSP500Movement=true, it will determine how long a signal should be kept after the stock filter triggered (as long as it is within the start/end hour).
  • SP500Currencies - For which currencies a signal should be generated if the tick density triggers. 

  • triggerOnTickDensity - If true, it will trigger a breaking news signal when the relative tick density is above the given threshold. 
  • tickDensityStartHour/tickDensityEndHour - Start and end hour for in broker time for tick density signals. For the whole day it should be 0-24 like in the default settings (not 0-0). 
  • tickDensityMinimumSignalMinutes - If triggerOnTickDensity=true, it will determine how long a signal should be kept after the tick density filter triggered (as long as it is within the start/end hour).
  • tickDensityThresholdXXX - The threshold when to trigger a signal (relative tick density must be above this threshold) for a specific currency.