(20 September 2019) DAILY MARKET BRIEF 2:Exhausted trading

(20 September 2019) DAILY MARKET BRIEF 2:Exhausted trading

20 September 2019, 13:45
Jiming Huang

Risk appetite is slightly elevated, but volumes are low, after absorbing a slew of central bank policy meetings. Yesterday, Swiss National Banks, Bank of England and Bank of Japan all held policy unchanged. USD gains marginally on lower expectations for easing and uncertainty over US-China trade talks. CHF and JPY gained on safe-haven trade as rhetoric between US, Saudi and Iran ramped up. Gold prices inched higher on the general concern over middle east developments. Interesting Asians equity markets here higher with lone exceptions of Hang Seng were protests continued to weigh on investors sentiment. Crude prices continued to moderate following the 14th Sept attack on Saudi Arabia oil infrastructure. Information flows suggest the attack was most likely a one-off and full production will have resorted relatively quickly. While the exact timing of facilities repair might vary the general view is upside in crude is limited.

By Peter Rosenstreich