CryptoWorld News

CryptoWorld News

7 August 2018, 15:34
Sergey Ershov
The network of popular Starbucks coffee houses will offer its customers the opportunity to buy their favorite beverage for bitcoins, as part of a partnership with Microsoft and ICE, a New York Stock Exchange operator.

Chinese manufacturer Canaan Creative has presented the world's first TV with the cryptocurrency mining function.

The major Swiss financial holding company UBS has said in a recent report that, according to its experts, bitcoin will be able to replace US dollars in circulation when its price reaches the level of $213,000.

Results of the Wells Fargo survey: 2% of Americans (about 6.5 million people) own bitcoin, and another 26% are thinking of buying it.

The Coindesk study: most bitcoin owners (55%) adhere to right-wing, conservative political views. The investors of the etherium are the opposite: 55% are supporters of the liberal forces.

The profitability of bitcoin-fund Pantera Capital Management has gone up to 10,000% for the last 5 years. According to the calculations of their specialists, bitcoin will reach $67,500 by the end of 2019.