ETH Ethereum Made 8000% Return This Year Beating Bitcoin

16 December 2017, 16:03
Ahmad Hassam

ETH Ethereum price surged from around $8 to $600 in 12 months this year.

ETH Ethereum thus beat Bitcoin that only surged 1700% in 12 months.

Which cryptocurrency will win in the long run?

I have written a blog post on how Ethereum will win in the long run.

Ethereum is a novel idea that is attempting to build an economic system using a software.

Will this succeed? Coming years will provide us with the answers.

There are many critics who are claiming Bitcoin and Ethereum to be Ponzi Schemes.

They have some merit in their warnings. Read the post in which I explain everything.

Cryptocurrencies are the biggest challenge that fiat currencies are facing since their invention.

Federal Reserve has indicated that it will have its own cryptocurrency.

So in the future we can see governments started their own cryptocurrencies.