Bitcoin $7,000 - $10,000 when?

Bitcoin $7,000 - $10,000 when?

2 November 2017, 12:36

Bitcoin over $7,000, Market Cap above $116 Billion. At this moment, Bitcoin Market Cap is above BP and less than 10 Billion of MasterCard. Will it stop here? Probably not, as we already saw it reaching $7,300, but also retraced below $7,000 in minutes, as you can see in the chart below:

Bitcoin Graph

Whoever thought $10,000 for a Bitcoin was fantasy, will have to rethink it. More and more regulators are accepting Bitcoin as a financial instrument and looking to regulating it, CME just announced its first Crypto Futures, Bitcoin Futures and it's clear for everyone that, even with countries trying to ban them like China and Russia, cryptos are here to stay and to change forever the financial world the way we know it.

Trading cryptos on MT5 is a way to take advantage of the history in the making without the hassle of actually owning the asset. Open an account now and start trading Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum.