Who likes to trade Litecoin?

Who likes to trade Litecoin?

26 July 2017, 13:47

If you ask almost anyone what crypto they (would) like to trade, most probably you will hear Bitcoin and Ethereum. Litecoin comes in third place, on a far distance from the first 2. Even if we compare Litecoin with Ethereum, Ethereum wins by a significant margin. Well, not everywhere. Chinese traders seem to prefer Litecoin to Ethereum and the volume is showing a proportion of almost 200:1 in favour of Litecoin. What are the Chinese doing with all the Litecoin? In terms of transactions, there is no major spike in goods and services acquired with this cryptocurrency. The only viable explanation could be the fact that Litecoin evolution was much smoother (you can even say less speculative) than Ethereum and Chinese investors may consider Litecoin more attractive as a saving/investment tool than Ethereum.