Bitcoin after 1st of August

Bitcoin after 1st of August

20 July 2017, 13:45

We talked about Litecoin, about Ethereum... how about Bitcoin? When you say crypto currency, even people that are not familiar with the financial markets or industry will tell you Bitcoin. Bitcoin was 8 cents in July 2010 and more than $3000 in June 2017. That is 3.75 million% in 7 years. That is one of the reasons we can discuss now about Bitcoin millionaires. But Bitcoin will come to a crossroad. We are now in the so-called "civil war" of Bitcoin. Lagging transactions processing time (around 3 days) and costs (around 5$ per transaction in June) are the main cause and a clear solution for this is yet to be found. SegWit (quite technical and I explained it in a previous post) could be the Savior for Bitcoin, as it appears to double the transaction capacity of the network. But there is a deadline and that is 1st of August. If this solution will be adopted by then, we might see Bitcoin rising above $3000 (or even towards $5000 according to some sources). If not, it's yet to determine the bottom of a possible crash...

You can take advantage of this situation by trading Bitcoin on our platform, either way, is a very good opportunity for you. You can trade on MT5 Platform Bitcoin against USD and EUR.