FxWirePro: The Day Ahead- 13th September, 2016

13 September 2016, 15:43
Eko Rediantoro

Lots of economic dockets and events scheduled for today and some with high volatility risks associated.

Data released so far:

  • Australia: National Australia bank’s business confidence improves to 6 from 4 in August and conditions deteriorates to 7 from 8.
  • China: Urban investment grew 6.1 percent y/y in August. Industrial production grew 6.3 percent y/y. Retail sales grew 10.6 percent in August from a year back.


  • Germany: Wholesale price index for August will be reported today. HICP inflation will be reported at 6:00 GMT.
  • China: Money supply and loans statistics may get released today.
  • Spain: HICP inflation data will be reported at 7:00 GMT.
  • Switzerland: Producer and import prices for August will be reported at 7:15 GMT.
  • Italy: Industrial production for July will be reported at 8:00 GMT.
  • United Kingdom: August inflation statistics will be published from UK at 8:30 GMT.
  • Eurozone: ECB president Mario Draghi is scheduled to speak at 9:00 GMT. Zew survey report on economic sentiment will be published at the same time, along with employment change report for the second quarter.
  • United States: NFIB business optimism index for August will be released at 10:00 GMT, followed by Redbook index at 12:55 GMT and monthly budget statement at 18:00 GMT.
  • Auction: United States will auction 1-month bills at 15:30 GMT and 10-year note at 17:00 GMT.