May 2016 German factory orders 0.0% vs 1.0% ex m/m

6 July 2016, 08:32
Sherif Hasan

Highlights form the May 2016 German factory orders data report 6 July 2016

  • Prior -2.0%. Revised to -1.9%
  • -0.2% vs 0.9% exp y/y WDA. Prior -0.5%. Revised to -0.4%
  • Domestic orders -1.9% vs 1.6% prior m/m
  • Export orders 1.4% vs -4.3% prior m/m
  • Eurozone orders 4.0% vs 2.5% prior m/m

Softer than expected orders but it's the domestic market that looks to have been the cause. The econ ministry sometimes passes comment on the data so we'll wait to hear what they say.

German factory orders y/y