Turnbull and Shorten both confident of victory in a tight Australian election

2 July 2016, 17:33
Sherif Hasan

The Australian  national election polling booths have now closed 2 July

  • PM Malcolm Turnbull and opposition Labour Party leader Bill Shorten both say they are confident of a victory but concede the result could be tight

Malcolm Turnbull ,the leader of Australia's conservative Liberal Party-led Coalition dissolved both houses of parliament in May in a bid to oust  independents in the upper house Senate who had blocked his agenda, including company tax cuts.

It looks a very tight race to the wire and the likely threat of a hung parliament looms.

More, and live, coverage from ABC here

I'm sure our intrepid reporter Down Under will be along here over the week-end to update and assess the election result's impact on the AUD and markets in general.

In the meantime I'm heading to France for a few days. Have a great, and restful, week-end everyone and thanks again for your fantastic support.

Aussie elections too close to call as polling closes