FOMC minutes to reveal all? - TDS

FOMC minutes to reveal all? - TDS

4 April 2016, 20:36
Vasilii Apostolidi

Analysts at TD Securities explained the overall tone of the March FOMC meeting was dovish, reflecting a greater concern among Fed officials about the risks posed to the US economic outlook from global developments. 

"Nevertheless, TD expects the tone of the minutes of the meeting to reflect a slightly more mixed assessment, underscoring the diversity of views among Fed officials. An event with speeches by Yellen, Bernanke, Greenspan, and Volcker on Thursday is also worth keeping an eye on.

The ECB minutes should reveal the strength of consensus behind March's big easing move. We would look for any signs of compromise from the more hawkish members (Weidmann did not vote in March), as well as indications of how much further the Governing Council appears willing to ease, should the need arise."

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