Focus in Trading: 18 Points that Will Increase Your Profits

22 February 2016, 10:24
Sherif Hasan
Hello dear fellow traders,

It was long time I was willing to write a good article about trading, with the intention to bring you some useful trading stuff, that could really help you to increase your profits in the market. For that purpose, I did a long research that took me a lot of time, trying to offer you the best materials I was able to found.

After collecting, selecting and synthetizing all that, I summarized in 18 points what I considered as most useful as follows:

1. Trading’s industry is a world of big conflict of interest. It is one of the less regulated business fields, being the aspirant trader its most vulnerable element.

2. The world of the retail traders is the most disadvantaged place – despite their good intentions, it is a well-known fact that on the long run, more than 95% of them end losing their money.

3. More than 95% of the aspirant traders are losers, simply because more than 95% of the information they have in their brains about trading’s world is false and toxic.

4. The point is that a novice trader has no possibility to differentiate what information is true and useful and which information is toxic and wrong.

5. It is possible to irradiate novice traders with whatever trading information you want, adding the justifications you want, and 99% of them will believe you.

6. Marketing is not helping at all, because its main goal is to arise an uncontrollable impulse for trading, dictated by the unconscious dream to achieve big amounts of money very quickly and with the minimum effort.

7. Marketing also builds the wrong concept, that trading is easy and can work typically for everybody; one has just to “buy when market is bullish and sell when market is bearish” and so on.

8. Financial institutions and good players, need a big mass of losers and unexperienced traders, who have to be on the wrong side of their trading, or in the artificial marketplace they make them trade, so they can profit from that.

9. This goal is achieved also by price manipulations, stop loss hunting, artificial slippages, trading software imperfections etc.… Such irregularities are documented and evident for many financial institutions.

10. Trading books and trading gurus are mostly “legend tellers” who instead motivating the traders to arm themselves with objective method of analysis and research, provide “trading aphorisms” that has to be taken by faith and poor understanding.

11. Internet information source is also very danger, because everybody can present himself as a professional trader there, and infect the virtual space with his ingenuity, unprofessionalism and pride.

12. Unless an aspirant trader did not accepts that trading is a serious and difficult profession, that requires serious preparation such as those of an engineer or a pilot, with a serious and reliable tools, such those of a scientist, his trading would have only minor possibilities to triumph.

13. Trading by faith and believes, is nothing more than a gambling. Every new idea, approach and theory, has to be proved scientifically and objectively, exactly as in the car manufacture industry, for example.

14. The knowledge of the trading world and market laws has to be true, and not subjective. It is impossible to build a flying aircraft, if your physics knowledge is subjective.

15. It is a good practice to go to a “trading doctor”, who may help the trader to diagnose, what is the level of infection with toxic information of his brain, and give him some proper cure.

16. Of course a strong character and a strong psychology may help, but we know that such a characteristics help in every area.

17. The most important quality, a trader may have is a healthy, coherent and mature criteria for trading, which can only be created, if the trader successfully protect himself from the threats of the trading world, while he is building it.

18. Once a mature trading criterion is formed, the trader is no longer vulnerable to the danger traps of the trading world, and it is very probable that if he insists, he may be able to build his robust trading edge.

I hope my information will be useful and interesting for you.
Green Pips and Best of luck.