Mayvern Forex currency portfolio management

Mayvern Forex currency portfolio management

27 October 2015, 19:18
Mayvern AM Trading Desk

Currency Portfolio Management

A managed Forex account can be a good diversification for those who do not want to depend only on the performance of the stock market.
The operational management will directly depend on risk tolerance, indicated by the client at the beginning of the report.
Transactions in forex benefits from several advantages:
• market efficiency
• immediate liquidity
• ability to implement sound investment strategies based on quantitative and automated tactical discipline.

Conservative :  always bearing in mind market volatility, the manager’s objective is to achieve a performance that safeguards capital and preserve purchasing power. This objective is pursued by a moderate approach to the leverage. The result is a low risk profile.

Dynamic:  this is for the investor looking for an increase of its capital in real terms. The management, according to rules that are more dynamic, to optimize results through a more effective leverage. This technique allows to avoid excessive risks, however, constantly monitoring the markets and making any changes that may become appropriate.

Aggressive:  this is for an inverstor seeking to significantly increase their investment, in the knowledge that the level of rish faced is medium to high. In any case, in order to seize opportunities for growth that the currency market offers, the operator takes a disciplined use of leverage maximum period, combined with the possibility of diversifying foreign exchange operations also secondary, no less interesting, for a rationalization of objectives.

Warning: Forex trading carries a high risk of loss and it is not intended to invest an important part of your assets.
Institutional Customers deposited in managing the assets entrusted to a bank of their choice, in Switzerland or other countries. The ownership of the assets remains in the hands of the customer. Mayvern operates on a mandate to rule that management point by point, our work on behalf of the client. Under no circumstances will gain possession of the assets subject to the warrant.

Mayvern Asset Management Trading Desk Team operates exclusively through licensed regulated Companies and financial Partners all over the world.