EUR/USD GOING TO 1.060 - WEEK, 0.965 - YEAR, 1.33 - LATER

EUR/USD GOING TO 1.060 - WEEK, 0.965 - YEAR, 1.33 - LATER

19 October 2015, 14:09

As mentioned in my recent posts, was prepared for the high volatility in the BEARISH price movement. Even in gold prices, was not convinced about the upward movement, as i saw it as a retracement rather than a trend, especially from level 2 and 3 set up. It was a classic case buy LOW and sell HIGH, obviously i didn't enter a SELL at the highest point, but the set up showed the proximity to a high point in the retracement. Hence did not close the SELL order even when this month's price went above last month's high. As of now, this week's price is already below last week's high, indicating the continuation of the bear trend.