Yale to Be Paid Interest on Dutch Water Authority Bond From 1648.

Yale to Be Paid Interest on Dutch Water Authority Bond From 1648.

16 September 2015, 21:07
Some never-ending bonds are more unceasing than others. 

Yale University will get 136.20 euros ($153) in enthusiasm on a never-ending bond issued in 1648 from Dutch water power de Stichtse Rijnlanden. 

The 1,000 guilder-bond ($509), which is composed on goatskin, is among five of the world's most established bonds that still pay enthusiasm, as indicated by Clarion Wegerif, a representative for the water power. The cash will be paid out on Monday. 

Yale reached the office to gather the interest, Wegerif said in a telephone meeting from Houten, the Netherlands. "We'll be giving out a typical check and wire the rest." 

Yale, which has an enrichment of $23.9 billion, paid 24,000 euros to get the bond in 2003 as an ancient rarity. The college hasn't been paid enthusiasm since the procurement, as indicated by the office. The bond was issued to pay for a little wharf in the Netherlands' Lek stream.