Trading Like A Predator, Not The Prey

Trading Like A Predator, Not The Prey

17 July 2015, 15:15
Francis Dogbe

By Nial Fuller 

Have you ever felt like you are being preyed upon by some invisible ‘force’ in the market? The truth is, when we enter the trading cauldron we all start out as prey. When you enter the market, you step into a world of ‘predators’ who are trying to take money from you, let’s call these predators the professionals.

There’s always a guy at a poker table who will end up with all the chips, and there will always be one percent of the world who have most of the money, this is simply how it works; the predators (professionals) ‘feast’ on the prey (amateurs). You might feel like a victim, but it doesn’t have to stay this way for you as a trader; with the correct mindset and plan, you can turn yourself from prey into a predator and start grabbing your share of ‘chips on the table’.

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