Economic calendar April 27 - May 1

Economic calendar April 27 - May 1

27 April 2015, 11:21

As the starting week will be rich for events, below you can see what is most likely to influence the market sentiment in the period from April 27 till May 1.

Monday, April 27

Markets in New Zealand will be closed for a holiday.

The U.K. is to issue private sector data on industrial order expectations.

Tuesday, April 28

Glenn Stevens, Reserve Bank of Australia Governor, is to give a speech in Sydney, which will be closely watched.

Japan is to report on retail sales.

The U.K. is to publish preliminary data on first quarter economic growth.

Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz is to speak at an event in Ottawa.

The U.S. is to release private sector data on consumer confidence.

Wednesday, April 29

Markets in Japan will be closed for a holiday.

New Zealand is to report on the trade balance and business confidence.

In the euro area, Germany is to issue preliminary data on consumer inflation.

The U.K. is to release a private sector report on retail sales.

The U.S. is to publish preliminary data on first quarter economic growth in addition to a report on pending home sales.

The US central bank is expected to announce its monetary policy decision and publish its rate statement.

Thursday, April 30

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is to announce its benchmark interest rate and publish its rate statement. New Zealand is also to release data on building consents.

Japan is to release preliminary data on industrial production. The Bank of Japan is to announce its monetary policy decision and release its rate statement. The announcement is to be followed by a press conference.

Germany is to report on retail sales and unemployment.

Spain is to issue data on inflation and economic growth. The euro zone is also to release preliminary data on consumer prices and the unemployment rate.

Canada is to publish its monthly report on economic growth.

The U.S. is to publish data on initial jobless claims.

Friday, May 1

Japan is to release a run of reports on inflation, household spending, average earnings and unemployment.

Markets in China will be closed for a holiday. Beijing will however release data on manufacturing and service sector activity.

Australia is to issue producer price inflation numbers.

In the euro area, markets in France, Italy, Germany and Switzerland will be shut for holidays.

The U.K. is expected to report on manufacturing activity.

The U.S. is to terminate the week with a report for the Institute of Supply Management on Manufacturing activity and revised data on consumer sentiment.