German CPI Jan to slip into deflation - RBS

29 January 2015, 06:52
Andrius Kulvinskas
According to RBS FX Strategists, German CPI is anticipated to slip into deflation on a y/y basis for the first time since September 2009, with preliminary estimate of German CPI for January due today. 

Key Quotes

"The preliminary estimate of German CPI for January is due on Thursday, as it comes one day before the estimate of Euro-area CPI. German CPI is anticipated to slip into deflation on a y/y basis for the first time since September 2009. The Euro-area composite figure may also decline - our Economists see the y/y headline rate falling to -0.4% y/y."

"Macro data is released in Sweden, including December retail sales along with January consumer and manufacturing confidence. The slowdown in growth momentum in Europe, along with policy easing by the ECB, increase the risk that the Riksbank becomes the next central bank to cut rates into negative territory as soon as the February meeting, and additional balance sheet measures may be coming as well."