World Events: Countdown to Apocalypse?

World Events: Countdown to Apocalypse?

18 December 2014, 12:42
Matthew Todorovski
Posted by :pgrevas On : December 9, 2014


Thank you for viewing.  We are now 45% completed in our Creator’s Heavenly SIGNS of these 4 Biblical Blood Moons (BBMs).  They are for real. Something BIG is about to happen.  Please don’t say:  ”yeah right”.  Just look at the past 2 weeks prophetic events exploding.  Everything here can be verified if only you Google it or contact me.  Here we go: 

ISRAEL: WOW, 7,000,000 people, a minuscule country the size of New Jersey and so much prophetic news last 2 weeks, absolutely earth shaking:

1.  For starters, Prime Minister Netanyahu (Bibi) is almost assassinated, IDF apprehends would be killer.

2.  Bibi fires 2 of his top 4 Cabinet members, Tipzi Livni, Justice Minister (our Eric Holder) and Finance Minister (our Sec. of Treasury).  Next day several Cabinet under officials resign.  Next day at Bibi’s request Israeli Knesset (our Congress) votes 83-0 to totally abruptly disperse and call for snap elections on March 17th for a new Prime Minister.  WHAT IS GOING ON at this most delicate time in Israel?  Oh, Dear Lord!!

3.  Early polls show his 2 most powerful opponents, Kahlon and Sa’ar, each lead Bibi by 10 points and 5 points respectively.

4.  Everything is unravelling, 12 incidents now in 6 weeks of Palestinians killing Israelis total of 11.

5.  This is big:  White House which consists of Obama and his highest inner circle has had secret meetings and has drawn up plans in late November to force sanctions upon Israel for their stubbornness in continuing to build settlements in East Jerusalem.  Well Obama has just touched the “Apple of His Eye” (Zech 2:8).  Congressmen who consider Israel as our closest ally in the Middle East are outraged and demanding answers.  Mary Harf, the State Dept. spokeswomen either deflected or refused every question by the media once it leaked out, and did not confirm nor deny reports and says “…will not comment on internal deliberations regarding this matter.”  Well that seals that answer.  Obama’s deception is alive and well, sanctioning Israel and yet at the same time deferring and decreasing sanctions on Iran for the next 7 months and freeing up $700 million “per” month to give back to Iran monthly.  Oh Lord, Isaiah 5:20 “good is evil and evil is good…”.

6.  So much more:  The UN demands Israel renounce it has nuclear weapons, and if it does, to destroy them all, after a vote of 161 to 5 to come forward.  Only USA, Israel, Canada, and 2 island countries Micronesia and Palau voted against.  Friends if this isn't Zech 12:9 : “And it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem”.  Do you see how close we are to the Edge of time, these UNPRECEDENTED BBMs are yelling at us loud and clear that we are there. This obscene vote decision says Israel is a “pariah” state as every nation is chewing on Israel to crack and divide the inheritance given to God's chosen people, Psalms 33:12 : “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance”.  Now look at this reprobate thinking of the Palestinians.

7.   ID Forces identifies Gaza launch strip shooting test rockets (new, longer range and greater precision from Iran) into the Mediterranean Sea.


1.  Northwest Damascus military complexes destroyed by 2 intensive Israeli military strikes.  They contained S-300 anti aircraft weapons.  This is 4th Israeli hit around Damascus in 4 years.  Friends, in “ONE NIGHT” soon, Israel will destroy this city before daybreak.  Please read it, God does not lie.  It’s Isaiah 17:14, and Isaiah 17:1 for “who”.

2.  Jordan mourns the 2 meat cleaver butchers who bludgeoned 5 Jewish people and threatens to tear up the 1994 Peace treaty with Israel as they believe Israel threatens to take over the Temple Mount and destroy the Ala-Aksa Mosque and build their 3rd Temple.

3.  a)  Last but most, Palestinian Pres. Abbas stabs Israel in the back again, abolishes 1 on 1 peace negotiations with U.S., goes to UN (United Nothing) with plan prepared by the deceptive EU and Jew hating Arab League Leaders to divide the land once and for all.  (This sounds like the Roadrunner cartoon doesn't it, where Wiley Coyotee is  constantly scheming and scheming.  And no matter what he does, Roadrunner escapes and Coyotee falls off a cliff).  Plan is:  recognize a Palestinian State and call for all Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to end November, 2016.  Jordan pushing hard to get resolution voted on by year end.

b)  The 3 "bigs" of the EU, Britain, France, and Germany have completed a separate resolution with deadlines of 2 years for negotiations culminating in a legitimate Palestinian State recognized by the world and to exist side by side in Peace and Security with Israel.  Yes, just like 1 Thes. 5:3: “When they say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them…”.   Friends, these BBMs will open the floodgates for this scripture within this BBM WINDOW.  Why else would they be here.  Remember, they are the “Final Heavenly Signs” for this epic time that we are in.  As I always say, just look around, everything is fizzing everywhere, and all at the same time.


1.  You know all about Ferguson, Missouri, the 12-year old plastic gun “shooter boy”  shot dead in 2 seconds after police arrived and the “I can’t breathe” and all the ensuing marches, protests, and vandalisms further ripping our imploding "dying-whale-on-the-beach" once-beautiful country.  FYI, may God Bless Eric Gardner for how he was apparently murdered and did not deserve to die. This poor man I pray is now in Heaven.  With the lawless “no-indictment” decision and Obama’s “Race” horse rabble-rousing instigating speeches, oh how has this country changed since we were little kids with hop-scotch and hula-hoops and Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best.  It’s like Ebeneazer Scrooge walking “spiritually” thru the past, present, and future, with such drastic changes.

2.  It’s no wonder ABC, CBS, and NBC never carried Obama’s Executive Order Amnesty speech for fear of losing ratings, as it was rejected by Americans by almost 2:1.

3.  3rd Sec. of Defense, Gates, Panetta and now Chuck Hagel, “fired” so to speak in 4 years because he too, eventually bellied up to the bar to differ with our deceptive President (please never forget how brilliantly deceptive he is to advance his agenda) and his crazy cake cronies in the White House.

4.  Obama hires soap-opera queen of TV show Bold and the Beautiful to be US Ambassador to Hungary.  She’s a big backer financially of this man and didn’t even know Hungary bordered the hot-bed Ukraine.  Friends, this is where we are, how insane!

5.  Des jeux vous this week on passing the $1.05 trillion beef cake funding for the Govt. as it was with Nancy Pelosi (one heck of an intellectual isn't she?) when she said “Let’s just sign [Obamacare] and discuss it later.”  Well, House has been forced by its leadership to do same Dec. 11th so as not to shut down the Govt. (why did I vote Nov. 4th??)

6.  Obama issues Exec. Order on ozone emissions which will “choke” the country financially - worse than ozone would choke itself.

7.  U.S. Govt Debt = $18.05 Trillion and ticking loudly.  How long can you keep a fully inflated beach ball under water?  (71% is under Obama, 29% is George Washington to George Bush).

8.  For the “4th” time Social Security "drop-dead-out-of money-date" has been brought back to 2024 now vs. 2037 once upon a time.

9.  Obama’s mouth mentioned words “I”, “Me”, & “My” 91 times in Chicago Nov. 25 speech.

10.  Since Ulysses S. Grant, in 1872 America has been the greatest producer of goods in the world (GDP).  Well, as per Dec. 4th, International Monetary Fund says China is #1 with $17.6 trillion to $17.4 trillion (US).  Recede, recede, recede, because we've apostatized our Creator in this generation after over 200 years of obeying and loving Him.  Now it’s payback time.

11.  4 American rescue attempts of hostages in the Middle East have all miserably failed in the last 5 months, latest this week in Yemen where Navy Seals accidentally killed 9 innocent civilians in unnecessary killing of a South African teacher hostage who was earlier negotiated on to be “released”  between Al Queda of Yeman and South African officials, but U.S. "DID NOT KNOW". I mention this because God Almighty has His thumb firmly in our chest to fail at anything our blind leaders do any more for demeaning Him to nothing.

12.  U.S. Birthrate hit “all-time” low in 2013 since records kept in 1909.

13.  Arkansas becomes 35th gay-state for marriage.

14.  Flu shot vaccines millions of us have taken is defenseless for 2015 flu season.  Centre for Disease Control says many more cases and deaths [expected] (and the Obama virus of deception is rampant everywhere today).  Again, our Lord is shutting down the valves on American “excellence” of days gone by.

15.  Best for last:  Nov. 14. Our nation’s Congressmen invited Muslim Imam into the House Chambers and the National Cathedral and held Mass. Congressmen’s eyes were closed and heads were bowed (some between their knees), as Imam’s three minute prayer quotes, “Allah, the most gracious, most merciful…”.  Friends this “TOTALLY” violates the FIRST COMMANDMENT of our Lord when He said “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”.  Muslims believe ALLAH HAS NO SON, only his Prophet Mohammed.  God’s Son is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  ”This is My Son of Whom I am very pleased” (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).  Done, said and done.

16.  Friends, these events like in Johnathan Cahn’s book the Harbinger, are harbingers, omens, warnings to America that we have left God, and now it’s time…. Just look at the scaffolding presently surrounding our Nation’s Capitol building, it’s as if it is trapped in a cage, and suffocating, doesn’t it?  (It’s being refurbished this year and most of 2015).  Hmmmm, it’s just exactly in the sweet spot of the 4 BBM WINDOW we are in.  Could this in it self be a symbolic omen that we too are “locked in” also in our Lord’s grip.

17.  Yes, America is ripping at the seams.  Another omen:  At the presentation of the American Flag prior to the Buffalo Bills home football game last month where the monster 100 ft.x 300 ft. flag was waved up and down by people holding it during the singing of our National Anthem and a seam between the blue rectangle surrounding the 50 white stars and a stripe BURST AT THE SEAM.  80,000 football fans saw it and 320,000,000 Americans saw what happened to Buffalo 1 week later with their greatest snow storms in history for that city of 7 to 8 feet high, with 7 people dead.  Friends, they're called "warnings" to America that we’ve blown it, that’s why the BBMs are here.

POPE FRANCIS:  I repeat again, I “want” to like the most popular man in the world Pope Francis, but... !!! He has sharply deviated from the meaning of God’s work of “sound doctrine”.  Just look:

1.  Remember the last article where he hosted leaders of 6.8 of the world’s 7.2 billion people at the Vatican on Nov. 19th to discuss HUMANUM (world tolerance and getting together).

2.  Well, Nov. 28th Pope in Turkey to boost faith ties around the world between Muslims and Orthodox leaders and to “promote religious tolerance”.  And he will sign a declaration with the leaders of 300 Million Orthodox in the world to “bridge the divide” between them and the Catholic Church.

3.  Dec. 2nd: Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim (both Sunni and Shi'ite) and Hindu religious leaders all met in the Vatican and signed a Vatican initiative to end modern-day slavery by 2020.  Do you surely see how the One-World religion is developing here so subtly under the guise of "common good" for the globe?

4.  Pope says it is wrong to equate Islam with violence. Oh boy, oh boy!! Like Obama said ISIS is not Islamic.

5.  And please don’t forget Sept. 22 - Sept. 27, 2015: Pope is in America to meet with Obama in D.C. and UN in New York, right “smack” in the week of two of our Lord’s Holy Days (Atonement and Tabernacles) and the 4th and final BBM, the Supermoon over Jerusalem.

6.  Star pupil of the Pope, “America’s Pastor” (??) Rick Warren comes back “educated” from Vatican and “calls on all Christians in American to unite “as one” with the Roman Catholic Church: ”…as we have more in common than divides us…”.  Warren also calls the Pope “Holy Father”.  No,no,no, God and only God is “Holy Father”.

7.  Friends, bottom line: we’re on the super-track to forming the One-World religion which is a critical part of Rev. 13 & 17.  I’m not smart enough to say any Pope is going to be the Anti-Christ, and you and I will never know as per 2 Thes. 2: 7,8.  However, willingly or unwillingly, Pope Francis is leading us to 2 Timothy 4:3: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine…”.


1.  Under the world media radar, fighting in Ukraine bolstered by Russia continues unabated, with 4,300 dead.

2.  Russia orders all it’s 160 million citizens to be finger-printed and DNA-profiled.  Sound familiar?  Putin tells Russian military hence-forward to conduct regular patrols off America’s East and West Coasts, Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico.

3.  a) Putin tells "duma" (congress) the U.S. led “West” is sanctioning Russia and manipulating the world price of oil to push Russia into a corner and force a regime change as Ruble has fallen 42% YTD and Oil has tumbled 44% in 6 months.

b)  Tells "duma": “No one will succeed in defeating Russia militarily… and we will reciprocate with sanctions on all countries who sanction us”.  World think-tank experts say Russia would defeat the USA in a “nuclear showdown” hands-down.  Russia also has 1700 nuclear war-heads to U.S’ ever-Obama-diminishing 1475.

4.  Russia breaks promise to Europe to build the South Stream pipeline which was to serve over 200,000,000 people in Southern Europe and will build it in Turkey, its close ally.

5.  Ever since 1995, Russia and Iran are in bed together as never before in world history, building two more nuclear plants in Iran to now make it a "dirty dozen".

6.  Russia is “so happy” Iran nuclear talks failed Nov. 24th and are now delayed to July 2015.

7.  Friends, just look at this trifecta alliance: Russia = Gog, Iran = Persia, Turkey = Togarmah.  Does it sound familiar?  Yes it does, this is all about Ezekiel 38: 2-6 exactly, and it’s happening here in our generation, 2,700 years later.   We must watch this trifecta as it knits itself closer and closer together against Israel in the Gog-Magog War.


1.  Germany’s Finance Minister Schäuble calls for Global Governance, global taxes, global standards and a digital system to track the world's inhabitants.  WOW, you know what that sounds like (Edit: One World Government aka. New World Order)!

2.  First it was Poland, then Hungary, then Bosnia, then Sweden, then in October it was the UK, then in November Spain and France recognizing the Palestinian State.  Now Denmark and Belgium Parliaments will vote on it (it’s overwhelmingly favourable at the time of writing this).  EU says in the next several weeks all remaining EU Parliaments will be set to vote on recognizing the Palestinian State.  We Christians should say:  ”So what, God is in control with Zech 12:9 : “And it shall come to pass in that day that I will destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem”.


1.  a)  Californian drought is the worst in 1200 years as determined by California’s leading geologists who measure tree-ring growth.

b)  2011 to 2014 = most severe of the 1200 years.  2014 is the slowest tree ring growth of all 1200 years.  We can surely see this trend.

2.  The incidence of Earthquake “swarms” by USGS around Oklahoma, California and the Pacific Ocean horse-shoe rim is the greatest on record.


1.  First it was “Merry Christmas”, then “Happy Holidays”, now city of Pittsburgh calls Christmas “Sparkle Days”.

2.  A second Satanic Statue in America will now appear at Florida’s State Capitol building in Tallahassee, right-smack next to the Annual Nativity Scene after three prior years of failure with the City.  Friends WE ARE THERE.


1.  The devastating world oil price shellacking going on now may very well be the “canary in the coal mine” for the 2015 Shemitah-year global financial collapse.  For the first time ever, Saudi Arabia and OPEC did not cut production during an oil price free-fall and to top that, in the last two weeks they’ve cut prices twice to squash the heart out of America’s banks who’ve lent over $300 billion to oil producers. Their high-yield junk bond debt is 18% of the total high-yield market and is about to go "Apocalyptic" with defaults and bankruptcies, as liquidity dries up when the price of oil reaches $75 – $77 per barrel.  Well, today the free-fall hit $62.38 per barrel.  Key indicator to watch is a divergence of junk bond yields to the dollar, as now volume of oil junk bonds are in uncharted stratospheric waters.

2.  The S&P Market rose for the 50th time this year on Dec. 5th, eclipsing the previous all-time record of 49 in the year “1929″.  Does that year sound familiar? (Hint: the Great Depression)


1.  The clock is ticking  on the Dec. 11th budget funding deadline for 2015 in Congress.

2.  Senate Democrats irresponsibly will reveal on Dec, 9th a scathing  ”Torture Report”  for 9/11/2001 which will absolutely be devastating to the U.S. when our neighbors overseas receive this report.

May we glorify our Lord and Savior for enabling us to witness all these prophetic events in this generation, a truly privileged generation despite all the mayhem about us. May God Bless [us all]. He’s coming sooner than we may think, says Luke 21:28.