Why is all advice I seem to get on Stock Markets about 'This is the Time to Sell' and yet for years all we seem to do is go higher?

5 September 2014, 04:41
Data Analytics Support Group

Why is all advice I seem to get on Stock Markets about 'This is the Time to Sell' and yet for years all we seem to do is go higher?

Dmitry KorinPrivate Trader / Technical Analyst at Candle Trading & AnalysisTop Contributor

'Short sellers see once in a lifetime opportunity' - Nov 2013. 
'Is this a shorting opportunity of a lifetime?' Jan 2012 
'Harry S. Dent Calling For Major Market Collapse' Mar 2013 
'Five warning signs that stocks could be getting too bubbly ... CNBC' Nov 2013 

These are just a few hHeadlines I've trawled from my Inbox. I have not counted, but for every single 'Positive' or 'Remotely Positive' worded prediction/forecast I get on the value of stocks, I would guess I get 10 'Negative' or 'Strongly Negative' worded prediction/forecast. Now I looked back over 3 years, so roughly since late 2011. In all that time the SP500 has continually scaled new heights, gaining a total of about 60% since late 2011. My contention is not where its heading next, it may well be very frothy up here, it may not, but if past performance of forecasters is anything to go buy, should not I wait for virtually all the doomsayers a to disappear, before finally shorting???? 

More specifically, is there anything deeper or more psychological happening in the collective mindset of the market or our culture which leads to a phenomenon such as this??

