Forex Trading Features

Forex Trading Features

23 July 2014, 19:07
Lonny Strike

Forex Trading Features

The largest financial market in the world

Opened for trading 24-hour around the clock from 20:15 UTC on Sunday until 22:00 UTC Friday

No costs or commissions is applied for executing trades

Provides greatest amount of liquidity

Traders can profit in both bull and bear markets

Instant execution with minimal slippage and errors

Short selling is permitted without an uptick

Offers greater customizable leverage

Equities Trading Features
  • Offers decent market liquidity
  • Opened for trading only from 9:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. EST (New York Time) with limited after-hours trading
  • costs and Commissions apply for executing trades and varies by brokers
  • Short selling stocks involve an uptick rule which could be frustrating to many day traders
  • Instant execution in many cases is not available which result in slippage and errors
  • Leverage offered is fraction of the leverage offered in forex market
Futures Trading Features
  • Market liquidity is limited, depending on the month of the contract traded
  • Limited market hours and are dependent on the product traded
  • The presence of exchange fees results in more costs and commissions and varies by brokers