Eurozone: Unemployment and Investor Confidence Data in Focus – Danske Bank

Eurozone: Unemployment and Investor Confidence Data in Focus – Danske Bank

4 April 2016, 09:16
Roberto Jacobs

Eurozone: Unemployment and Investor Confidence Data in Focus – Danske Bank

Research Team at Danske Bank, suggests that in the euro area, Sentix investor confidence for April is due for release at 10:30 CET.

Key Quotes

“While the index has been declining for three months, we expect it to have bottomed out and we look for a small increase due to the improved market sentiment.

The euro area unemployment rate, which has been on a downward trend since mid-2013, is released at 11:00 CET and we expect the figure was unchanged at 10.3% in February. Although this is a high level of unemployment, it is not that far from the European Commission's estimate of the structural unemployment rate of 9.8%. When the unemployment rate reaches this level, the upward pressure on wages should start to pick up.

ECB board member Peter Praet will be speaking at 10:30 CET on 'The ECB's fight against low inflation: reason and consequences'. Together with the speeches later in the week by fellow board members Danièlle Nouy, Vitor Constancio, Benoit Coeure and Yves Mersch, as well as the ECB minutes released on Thursday, this should provide further information about the monetary policy decisions on 10 March.”

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)