Important Event To Day Ahead - Westpac

Important Event To Day Ahead - Westpac

28 July 2015, 03:03

Sean Callow, analyst at Westpac Banking Corporation explained that the Asian calendar is empty. The market will focus on Chinese equities, it opened at 9:30 am local time and record important events thereafter.

Important excerpts:

"UK second-quarter GDP expected 0.7% quarterly and 2.6% yearly. In the first quarter of data in 0.4% and 2.9%. The median forecast for US consumer confidence in July was down from 101.4 to 100.0 that would still be close to the highest in 2007. We will see house prices S & P / Case-Shiller. the data is the preferred measure though tends not to be driving the market. prices rose 4.9% annually in April and is expected to rise further to 5 , 6% in May. Richmond Fed manufacturing index also came out in July.

At the closing NY, RBNZ Governor Wheeler speaks to business breakfast. He will outline a brief statement last week that not enough bearish as expected.


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