EUR/USD seen breaching parity towards end 2015 – TDS

29 January 2015, 11:49
Andrius Kulvinskas
A resumption of a deeper leg lower in EUR/USD could see spot breaking below parity in the last months of the present year.

Key Quotes

“It’s difficult to find any real justification for becoming more optimistic on Eurozone growth in 2015, even with the ECB finally giving in and delivering the long-awaited QE” .

“The softer EUR can only do so much good if external demand is weakening, particularly from emerging markets”.

“Inflation expectations should stop sliding though, particularly once we’re past the trough in crude oil”.

“The ECB embarking on its QE programme contrasts with the Fed's gradual move towards policy normalization”.

“We look for EURUSD to push through par to 0.96 by the end of the year”.

“The ECB's QE program combined with negative interest rates has dramatically increased the desire to diversify out of euro-denominated assets”.